Airbnb Opposition Makes for Strange Bedfellows

There are some things you can always count on here in New York: alternate side of the street parking, the subways always running (except when they’re not, like late nights and weekends), the Yankees making the playoffs (except when the Mets do) and landlords and tenants being diametrically opposed. Like Superman and Kryptonite, oil and water, landlords and tenants have always had one thing in common – a mutual distrust of one another.

That is … <Read More>

Legislation Proposed in NY State Assembly Would Put an End to Online Advertising of Illegal Short-Term Apartment Rentals

Elected officials and affordable housing activists unite at State capitol in support of the legislation.  On February 24, 2016, 300 members and supporters of the Share Better coalition rallied at the State capitol in support of Assembly Bill A08704, which would ban most online listings advertising rental apartments for less than thirty days per renter. Bill A08704 was proposed to the State Assembly approximately one month after a report was released to the public that … <Read More>

Judge Kaye’s Vision for Consolidation and Simplification of the Trial Courts

Chief Judge Judith S. Kaye, who passed away at age 77 on January 6, 2016, left us some unfinished business to do: court reform. In 1998 Judge Kaye lobbied for a constitutional amendment that would have consolidated and simplified the New York trial court system. She hoped to get the legislative approval for a constitutional amendment and the required referendum during the 1998 and 1999 legislative sessions, followed by a vote on the referendum at … <Read More>

City Council Approves Proposed Brooklyn Heights Library Redevelopment Plan With Modifications

The modified proposal provides for a larger Brooklyn Heights library branch, the construction of a new library branch, STEM education laboratories, and additional monetary incentives.  On December 16, 2015, the City Council at its stated meeting voted to approve the Department of Citywide Administrative Services’ and Brooklyn Public Library’s Uniform Land Use Review Procedure application to redevelop the Brooklyn Heights branch of the Brooklyn Public Library.   The Council-approved version of the library redevelopment … <Read More>

2015 Center For New York City Law Accomplishments

In this season of Thanksgiving, the Center for New York City Law has so many things to be thankful for. As 2015 winds down, our events and publications are enjoying record breaking successes this year.

Without the kind and generous support of our donors-individuals like you-the Center for New York City Law would not be what it is today. For this we thank you.

During this time for giving, we ask you to support our … <Read More>