City Announces Open Storefront Program Ahead of Holiday Shopping Season

The program is aimed to help provide more opportunities to shop safely. On October 28, 2020, Mayor Bill de Blasio announced the Open Storefronts program. Building on the success of the Mayor’s Open Restaurants and Open Streets program, Open Storefronts will provide safe spaces for small businesses to conduct business in the challenging economic environment while advancing Mayor de Blasio’s Recovery Agenda.

The program is expected to impact 40,000 businesses and support over 450,000 employees … <Read More>

New Heating Guidelines Released for Outdoor Dining During Colder Months

Three heating options were unveiled. On October 14, 2020, Mayor de Blasio on behalf of the Department of Buildings, Department of Transportation, and Fire Department of New York released guidelines for restaurants staying open for outdoor dining during the fall and winter. These new guidelines align with Mayor de Blasio’s recovery agenda to set New York City up to be the world’s capital for healthy outdoor living. This is not the first time New York … <Read More>

DOB Launches Online Service Levels Tracker for Checking Wait Times

The tracker helps members of the public understand expected timelines. On October 14, 2020, the Department of Buildings launched an online Service Levels Tracker which allows New Yorkers to see average wait times for Department of Buildings Services. This tracker centralizes information that had previously been available to New Yorkers while also clearly setting forth the different Department of Buildings metrics allowing the public to better understand expected timelines for projects both citywide and by … <Read More>

Mayor Announces SoHo-NoHo Neighborhood Plan Will Begin Public Process

On October 7, 2020, Mayor de Blasio announced that the SoHo/NoHo Neighborhood Plan will advance to the City’s public land use review process. The purpose of the Neighborhood Plan is to expand housing opportunities for New Yorkers, support cultural and economic success in the area, and reduce regulatory burdens on residents and workers in the area.

Mayor Signs Three Bills to Expand Protections for Workers, Consumers and Commercial Tenants

The bills help provide protections for workers amidst the ongoing pandemic and economic crisis. On September 28, 2020, Mayor Bill de Blasio signed three bills into law. This package of bills expands protections for workers, consumers, and commercial tenants by expanding the City’s paid safe and sick leave, extending protection for commercial tenants, and protecting the jobs of hotel workers.

Industry City Developers Pull Application After Opposition from Elected Officials

Many elected officials questioned whether the developers could follow through on promises of job creation. On September 22, 2020, the developers of the proposed Industry City Rezoning pulled their application after receiving opposition from many elected officials and community members. Industry City is a 5.3 million square foot mixed-use complex with commercial, manufacturing, and community uses in Sunset Park, Brooklyn. The complex is located in an area bounded by 32nd Street to the north, 41st … <Read More>