Chairman Proud of Landmarks Commission Accomplishments

Last week CityLand published a Guest Commentary from Steven Spinola, President of REBNY.  Robert B. Tierney, Chairman of the Landmarks Preservation Commission submitted this commentary in response.

The Landmarks Law, enacted in 1965, has been responsive to New Yorkers’ demand that their historic neighborhoods be preserved. The architecturally and historically distinctive streetscapes found in all five boroughs reflect more than 300 years of growth, and play an integral role in our City’s economic well-being.

Proposed Reforms to Improve the Landmarks Preservation Commission

The Landmarks Law, enacted in 1965 to preserve the city’s architectural, historical and cultural resources, contains few standards about what merits designation and few rules governing the process.  This has resulted in broad brush designations that are of questionable significance and that are impeding the City’s larger planning, economic development, and housing efforts.  It is time to amend the Landmarks Law to bring designations more in line with other city policies, provide more timely information … <Read More>

New Plan Proposed for Partially-Constructed Building

New design would alter massing to use property for residential use instead of a hotel. On November 19, 2013, the Landmarks Preservation Commission held a hearing on a new proposal for a through-block lot at 25 Great Jones Street in the NoHo Historic District Extension, with the other façade facing Bond Street. The lot is currently occupied by a partially constructed thirteen-story structure that was permitted before the designation process for the extension began. … <Read More>

Empowering Communities for Land Access: Paula Segal, Executive Director and Legal Director of 596 Acres

Paula Segal is the founder, Executive Director, and Legal Director of 596 Acres, a non-profit community land access program in New York City that supports and advocates the transformation of vacant public land into sustainable community institutions. The name 596 Acres refers to the amount of vacant land in Brooklyn as represented by the Department of City Planning when the organization began in 2010. Ms. Segal is a graduate of City University of New <Read More>

Numerous Local Residents Oppose Proposed TriBeCa Development of Vacant Lots

Plan would see the construction of two connected mixed-use buildings on triangular-shaped lots, currently used for parking, on Sixth Avenue extension. On November 12, 2013, the Landmarks Preservation Commission held a hearing on the proposal for two adjacent irregularly shaped lots on 100 Franklin Street in the TriBeCa East Historic District.  DDG Partners is seeking to develop the property with two conjoined structures that would include ground-floor retail and residential use on the upper floors. … <Read More>

Second Hearing Held for Proposed Five-Story Building Ended without Consensus

Landmarks Commissioners failed to reach consensus for new mixed-use building plan for site of movie theater. October 22, 2013, the Landmarks Preservation Commission considered a revised plan for a mixed-use development at 70 Henry Street in the Brooklyn Heights Historic District. The site is currently occupied by the Brooklyn Heights Cinema in a one-story building dating to 1895 that has undergone extensive alterations. Landmarks previously considered a development plan for this building on November <Read More>