VIRTUAL EVENT ANNOUNCEMENT: 174th CityLaw Breakfast with Hank Gutman, Commissioner of the Department of Transportation

Dean Anthony W. Crowell and

 Professor Ross Sandler, Director 

cordially invite you to the 174th CityLaw Breakfast

Featuring Speaker

Hank Gutman, Commissioner of the Department of Transportation

Speaking On:

“Reimagining How Freight Moves in New York City” 

Date: Friday, October 29, 2021

Mayor Releases New Plan to Combat Extreme Weather

Recommendations include citizen education and investments in infrastructure upgrades. On September 27, 2021, Mayor Bill de Blasio announced the release of “The New Normal: Combatting Storm-Related Extreme Weather in New York City.” The report establishes an extreme weather response blueprint for the city and was the creation of the Extreme Weather Response Task Force. The task force consisted of City agency leaders and experts on climate change and resiliency, and came together in response to <Read More>

Governor’s Office Announces $27 Million Available for Ida Relief for Undocumented New Yorkers

The program offers assistance to those who cannot qualify for federal relief. On September 26, 2021, Governor Kathy Hochul announced that $27 million will be available for relief from Hurricane Ida for undocumented New Yorkers. Undocumented New Yorkers who suffered from the historic flooding and storm damage are not eligible to receive storm recovery assistance through the FEMA Individual Assistance Program or other programs due to their undocumented status. The New York State Office for <Read More>

Mayor Appoints Gabrielle Fialkoff as New Parks Commissioner

Fialkoff recently served as the Senior Advisor for COVID Relief Efforts to the Mayor. On September 24, 2021, Mayor Bill de Blasio appointed Gabrielle Fialkoff as the new Commissioner of the Department of Parks and Recreation. She succeeds Acting Commissioner Margaret Nelson, who took the helm after former Commissioner Mitchell Silver stepped down earlier this summer.