State law requires rent stabilization laws to be renewed periodically based on housing vacancy rates. On March 10, 2022, the City Council voted to extend the City’s Rent Stabilization Law by providing more time to gather data to ensure the rent stabilization law is still necessary. The bill, Int. 70, was sponsored by Council Member Pierina Ana Sanchez.
Search Results for: New York Law School
COMPLETE VIDEO: 177th CityLaw Breakfast with Frederick P. Schaffer, Chair of the NYC Campaign Finance Board
Today, Friday, March 11, 2022, Frederick P. Schaffer, Chair of the NYC Campaign Finance Board, spoke at the 177th CityLaw Breakfast on “Increasing Voter Turnout in City Elections.” Professor Ross Sandler, Director of the Center for New York City Law provided opening remarks. Dean Anthony W. Crowell asked additional questions at the end of the Q&A session. This Breakfast was sponsored by ConEdison, Greenberg Traurig, and Verizon. This was the eleventh virtual CityLaw Breakfast as … <Read More>
Mayor Announces Appointments to New York City Districting Commission
The Commission will help with the redesign of the City Council district boundaries. On March 7, 2022, Mayor Eric Adams announced his seven appointees to the New York City Districting Commission. The Commission is responsible for redrawing council district boundaries as required every ten years by the City Charter following the national census. The redistricting helps the City Council reflect changes in demographics and population.
Mayor Suspends Key to NYC Rules, Lifts Mask Requirements for Schools as Next Stage of Pandemic Response
The announcements come after data supports that New York City is currently experiencing low level spread of COVID-19. On March 4, 2022, Mayor Eric Adams announced changes to the City’s COVID-19 protocols in response to the decline of COVID-19 cases citywide. The changes go into effect today, Monday, March 7th.
City Planning Votes to Approve East New York Mixed Use Building
All the building’s units will be income restricted. On March 2, 2022, the City Planning Commission voted to approve an application that would facilitate the development of a five-story mixed-use building at 1377 Sutter Avenue in East New York, Brooklyn. The project site currently contains two underutilized non-conforming commercial buildings.
Mayor Announces Settlement with Landlord Over Illegal Evictions and Unlawful Short-Term Rentals
The property will be turned over to the City to be converted to affordable housing as part of the settlement. On February 23, 2022, Mayor Eric Adams announced that a settlement had been reached between the City and Gennaro Brooks-Church and Loretta Gendville, the owners of 1214 Dean Street in Crown Heights, Brooklyn. The settlement comes after tenants were illegally evicted in 2020 and the couple operated illegal short-term rentals across nine buildings for four … <Read More>