COMPLETE VIDEO: 178th CityLaw Breakfast with Gary P. Jenkins, Commissioner of the Department of Social Services

Today, April 8, 2022, Department of Social Services Commissioner Gary P. Jenkins spoke at the 178th CityLaw Breakfast on “Combating Homelessness.” Professor Ross Sandler, Director of the Center for New York City Law, provided opening remarks. Dean and President of New York Law School Anthony W. Crowell joined for a closing colloquy. This Breakfast was sponsored by ConEdison, Greenberg Traurig, and Verizon. This was the twelfth virtual CityLaw Breakfast as in-person events are not feasible <Read More>

City Planning Hears Application for Four New Affordable Buildings in East New York

The sites are all located within a few blocks from each other. On March 30, 2022, the City Planning Commission held a public hearing for an application that would facilitate the construction of four new buildings with a total of 46 affordable units in East New York, Brooklyn. The four sites are located at 492-496 Glenmore Avenue, 2358-2362 Pitkin Avenue, 943 Dumont Avenue, and 743 Blake Avenue, as part of the Sutter Place Neighborhood Construction <Read More>

VIRTUAL EVENT ANNOUNCEMENT: 178th CityLaw Breakfast with Gary P. Jenkins, Commissioner of the Department of Social Services – 4/8

Dean Anthony W. Crowell and

 Professor Ross Sandler, Director 

cordially invite you to the 178th CityLaw Breakfast

Featuring Speaker

Gary P. Jenkins, Commissioner of the Department of Social Services

Speaking On:

Combating Homelessness

Date: Friday, April 8, 2022

Even though the Center for New York City Law is unable to host our CityLaw Breakfast series in person at New York Law School this spring due to COVID-19, we will continue to present great guest speakers … <Read More>

HPD Announces Major Progress, Ribbon Cuttings on Linden Terrace Project in East New York

On March 15, 2022, the Department of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD), New York City Housing Development Corporation (HDC), and members of the development team cut the ribbon for the first building of the Linden Terrace project. The Linden Terrace project will bring 548 new affordable homes spread across three buildings. The celebration marked the opening and first lease up of 2858 Linden Boulevard, the first building, and the groundbreaking of the second and third <Read More>