COMPLETE VIDEO: 179th CityLaw Breakfast with Mark Levine, Manhattan Borough President

Today, May 13, 2022, Manhattan Borough President Mark Levine spoke at the 179th CityLaw Breakfast. Borough President Levine spoke on “Manhattan’s Recovery.” Professor Ross Sandler, Director of the Center for New York City Law provided opening remarks. Matt Gewolb, Associate Dean and Vice President for Institutional Strategy and General Counsel at New York Law School, led a closing discussion with Borough President Levine. This Breakfast was sponsored by ConEdison, Greenberg Traurig, and Verizon. This was … <Read More>

City Planning Votes to Approve New Mixed-Use Affordable Building in Wakefield

Parking availability in the neighborhood had been a point of concern for the Community Board. May 11, 2022, the City Planning Commission voted to approve an application for a mixed-use residential and commercial building at 4541 Furman Avenue in the Wakefield section of the Bronx. The rezoning site is on a portion of the block bounded by East 240th Street, a line 300 feet north of East 239th Street to the south, White Plains Road <Read More>

Mayor Announces New Appointments for DOB Leadership

On May 3, 2022, Mayor Eric Adams announced his appointments for new leadership for the Department of Buildings. Eric Ulrich will serve as the new Commissioner of the Department of Buildings, and Kazimir Vilenchik, P.E. will serve as the new First Deputy Commissioner.

VIRTUAL EVENT ANNOUNCEMENT: 179th CityLaw Breakfast with Mark Levine, Manhattan Borough President – 5/13 at 9 AM

Dean Anthony W. Crowell and

Professor Ross Sandler, Director

cordially invite you to the 179th CityLaw Breakfast

Featuring Speaker

Mark Levine, Manhattan Borough President

Speaking On:

Manhattan’s Recovery

Date: Friday, May 13, 2022

Even though the Center for New York City Law is unable to host our CityLaw Breakfast series in person at New York Law School this spring due to COVID-19, we will continue to present great guest speakers with an opportunity for our … <Read More>