It should come as no surprise that Alessandro Olivieri, General Counsel for the New York City Department of Parks and Recreation, decided to leave private practice for public service. When asked about the career change he made a decade ago, Olivieri credited some of his most important role models — his family members. Pointing to a commemorative piece on his office wall containing photographs of the Hudson River and his maternal grandmother, Frances “Franny” Reese, … <Read More>
Search Results for: Neighborhood Redevelopment
City and Suburban’s landmarking upheld
Physical alterations ruled irrelevant when assessing historical and cultural significance of two light-court tenements. Between 1898 and 1915, the City and Suburban Homes Company First Avenue Estate was built in Manhattan’s Upper East Side neighborhood. It consists of 15 light-court tenements, which are residential buildings configured to maximize light and air, in contrast to the tenements of the period. In April 1990, Landmarks voted to designate the Estate as a landmark site, encompassing the entire … <Read More>
Rezoning OK’d despite opposition from residents, civic association
Avella critical of Community Board 7’s representative. On September 24, 2008, the City Council approved the 44-block rezoning plan for Waldheim, a neighborhood immediately southeast of Downtown Flushing. The plan incorporates lower- and medium-density contextual zoning for 43 blocks, an upzoning of one block from R6 to R7-1, and commercial overlay modifications to stop commercial development from spilling over into residential midblocks. The rezoning area is generally bounded by Sanford and Franklin Avenues to the … <Read More>
Lower Concourse Rezoning at scoping stage
Thirty-block rezoning in South Bronx would encourage redevelopment of blighted waterfront. On June 19, 2008, the Department of City Planning held a public hearing on the draft scope of an environmental impact statement for the proposed Lower Concourse Rezoning. The proposal covers a 30-block area, generally bounded by the Harlem River on the west, East 149th to … <Read More>
Bellevue Psychiatric Hospital to become hotel
Proceeds would help support the operations of the New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation. The New York City Economic Development Corporation is seeking proposals to develop and operate a hotel and conference center at the former Bellevue Psychiatric Building, located at 492 First Avenue between East 29th and East 30th Streets. The winning developer would enter into a 49-year lease agreement with the City with two 25-year renewal options. Currently, the building serves as … <Read More>
Planning Comm. OKs $63M affordable housing dev.
BFC Partners’ proposal calls for 160 co-op units. On February 13, 2008, the Planning Commission approved an application to construct a housing project in the Stapleton neighborhood of Staten Island. The Department of Housing Preservation and Development submitted the application on behalf of developer BFC Partners. The application calls for two, five-story, mixed-use buildings with 160 residential units to be located just west of the area that the New York City Economic Development Corporation plans … <Read More>