At Final Backlog Hearing, Testimony Considered on Manhattan Items

The proposed designation of the former Yuengling Brewery Site in East Harlem proved contentious, dividing preservationists and those who wished to see site developed.  On November 12, 2015 the Landmarks Preservation Commission held the final of four special hearings organized to address the backlog of items added to the Commission’s calendar before 2001, but never brought to a vote on designation.  The final hearing consisted of items in Manhattan, occupying Community Boards six through twelve.  … <Read More>

Demolition of Two Non-Historic Structures, New Canopy, Proposed for Seaport Pier

The demolitions would make new Pier building a free-standing structure, with four visible facades, and a new canopy that would allow for all-weather use of roof space. On August 4, 2015, representatives of the Howard Hughes Corporation appeared at the Landmarks Preservation Commission to propose revisions to their planned redevelopment of Piers 16 and 17 in the South Street Seaport Historic District. Landmarks in 2012 approved an application by SHoP Architects, after multiple hearings<Read More>

HDC Identified Targets of Preservation Focus for 2015

Among its stated priorities, preservationist organization hopes to spur designation of items on Landmarks’ calendar that have been long under consideration without being brought to a vote. On February 3 2015, the Historic District Council held an event where it released its annual “Six to Celebrate,” identifying preservation priorities for the coming year. Candidates for the list are submitted by community organizations, and evaluated by HDC for historic and architectural merit, as well … <Read More>

New Housing for the Special Clinton District

Council-approved developments in Special Clinton District will achieve 39 percent affordability across a range of Area Median Incomes. On June 26, 2014, the City Council unanimously voted 48-0 to approve applications which would facilitate the development of two new mixed-use buildings, the rehabilitation of another building, and creation of three new community gardens in the Special Clinton District in Manhattan. The joint applications were proposed by the Clinton Housing Development Company, the New York <Read More>

City Planning Approved Enhanced Domino Plan with Greater Public Benefits

Unanimous City Planning approval followed behind the scenes deal between Mayor de Blasio and Two Trees Management. On March 5, 2014, the City Planning Commission unanimously voted to approve special permits and a zoning text amendment requested by Two Trees Management to transform the Domino Sugar Refinery into a 2,928,429 sq. ft. mixed-use development. The predominantly residential large scale development will include commercial and community facility uses. The City Planning vote followed an announcement by … <Read More>

Commercial Development of Waterfront Sugar Refinery Approved

Landmarks endorsed project with modifications that better displayed factory’s industrial character, and  historic sign and chimney. On January 14, 2014, the Landmarks Preservation Commission voted to issue Two Trees Management a Certificate of Appropriateness to convert the Domino Sugar Refinery for commercial and office use. The plan includes glass-and-steel additions on two roofs, demolition of non-historic accretions, and the creation of windows and balconies. The adaptive reuse of the former factory is part of a … <Read More>