COMPLETE VIDEO: NYC Mayoral Election Law and Leadership Series, featuring Mayoral Candidates Shaun Donovan and Art Chang

On Thursday, May 20, 2021, New York Law School hosted the latest in its Law and Leadership series with a Q&A session with Mayoral Candidates Shaun Donovan and Art Chang. Dean Anthony W. Crowell provided opening and closing remarks. New York Law School students and alumni were given the opportunity to ask the mayoral candidates questions about management style, and policy positions. For Mr. Chang’s portion of the Q&A session, NYLS Adjunct Professor and Senior … <Read More>

COMPLETE VIDEO: NYLS’s Mayoral Election Law and Leadership Series #1 featuring Borough President Eric Adams and Former DSNY Commissioner Kathryn Garcia

Common themes discussed included the importance of listening to communities and emphasizing communication and a clear vision. On April 14, 2021, New York Law School hosted the first of two Law and Leadership forums where New York Law School students spoke with Mayoral candidates about their leadership styles.

EVENT ANNOUNCEMENT: 2021 New York City Mayoral Election Law and Leadership Series


Please join Dean Anthony W. Crowell and New York Law School student leaders for a series of conversations with individual Mayoral candidates. The group will focus on candidates’ leadership and management philosophy including influences, style, mentors and lessons learned. These dialogues are part of NYLS’s new Law and Leadership Institute programming.

Date & Time: Wednesday April 14 and April 28, 12:00 – 2:00 PM

Featuring: Mayoral candidates Eric Adams, Art Chang, Kathryn Garcia and … <Read More>