Updated: “How Doomed is the Loop?”: Discussion on Remote Work Impact on City’s Financial Health

How “doomed” is New York City due to the prevalence of remote work and its impact on commercial real estate values? Experts discussed the city’s fiscal outlook during a recent panel discussion, “How Doomed is the Loop?,” hosted by the Center for New York City Law at New York Law School. The January 25th panel was moderated by Mark Willis, Senior Policy Fellow at the NYU Furman Center for Real Estate and Urban Policy and <Read More>

HPD Launches Month-Long Affordable Housing Push with Over 500 Units Planned at Inwood Waterfront Site

On January 29, 2024, the Department of Housing Preservation and Development began a month-long effort to advance affordable housing projects on public sites citywide as part of Mayor Eric Adams’ “24 in 24” plan. The plan, announced in his State of the City address, aims to advance 24 affordable housing projects on public sites in 2024 to create or preserve over 12,000 affordable units. The first site is currently an unused city-owned parking lot on <Read More>

DOB Announces Penalties for Over 400 Property Owners for Late Parking Structure Report Submissions

On January 18, 2024, the Department of Buildings announced that over 400 property owners had received initial penalties for failing to submit required engineering inspection reports for parking structures located on their properties. Through the Periodic Inspection for Parking Structure (PIPS) program, 1,056 properties in Lower Manhattan, Midtown, and the Upper West Side were required to submit inspection reports to the Department of Buildings before January 1, 2024. 

Condos lose special street claim

Two condominiums adjacent to Franklin Place, a mid-block alley in lower Manhattan, asked that Franklin Place be designated as a fire apparatus access road in order to prohibit parking next to condominiums. The Franklin Place Condominium, joined by the 55 White Street Condominium, filed an article 78 petition seeking to compel the New York City Fire Department to declare Franklin Street a fire apparatus access road and to install “No Parking” signs. Franklin Place is … <Read More>

City Council Votes to Approve the City of Yes for Carbon Neutrality Zoning Text Amendment

On December 6, 2023, the City Council voted to approve the City of Yes for Carbon Neutrality zoning text amendment. The amendment, the first of three proposed by the Adams administration last year, fixes outdated provisions within the zoning text that inhibit the growth and use of green infrastructure and technology in New York City. The zoning text, as is, could not accommodate many types of modern green infrastructure and technology, which did not exist <Read More>