DCP Upgrades Important Community Board Budget Request Tool for District Needs

New and improved online platform will help Community Boards advocate for public priorities. On August 26, 2019, Department of City Planning (DCP) Director Marisa Lago announced a new and improved online platform which will help Community Boards advocate for public priorities more easily. The new, user-friendly digital platform will allow Community Boards to formally submit their annual needs and budget requests to the City with easier access to relevant City data to assist with … <Read More>

City Planning Approves Two Applications to Facilitate the East Side Coastal Resiliency Project

The project is predicted to protect over 110,000 Lower Manhattan residents from flood and storm impacts. On September 23, 2019, the City Planning Commission voted to approve two applications regarding the East Side Coastal Resiliency Project which addresses coastal flood vulnerabilities in Lower Manhattan. The project area is bounded by East 25th Street to the north, Montgomery Street to the south, and the East River to the east. The area runs along the FDR Drive … <Read More>

Plans for Broadway Junction’s Transformation and Revitalization are Revealed

The Vision Document represents the first effort by the City and the Brooklyn community to solely focus on Broadway Junction. On August 15, 2019, Council Member Rafael L. Espinal, Brooklyn Borough President Eric L. Adams, and the New York City Economic Development Corporation (NYCEDC) commissioned a Vision Document, Broadway Junction: Vision for the Future that serves as a guide to supporting the transformation of Broadway Junction in Brooklyn. The Vision Document is the first step … <Read More>

Landmarks Designates Sunset Park Historic Districts

The four historic districts contain the most cohesive intact concentrations of high-quality architecture in Sunset Park, representing its primary periods of development. On June 18, 2019, the Landmarks Preservation Commission voted unanimously to designate four areas of Sunset Park, Brooklyn as historic districts: Sunset Park North, Sunset Park South, Central Sunset Park, and Sunset Park 50th Street. Sunset Park North, South, and Central Sunset Park Historic Districts are areas where coherent historic streetscapes continue … <Read More>

Landmarks Votes to Designate Seven Broadway Buildings as Individual Landmarks

Commissioners commented on the importance of communicating the benefits of landmarking to the public. On June 11, 2019, the Landmarks Preservation Commission voted to designate seven buildings as individual landmarks on Broadway south of Union Square. The buildings are located at 817 Broadway, 826 Broadway, 830 Broadway, 832 Broadway, 836 Broadway, 840 Broadway, and 841 Broadway. The seven buildings were constructed between 1876 and 1902. The buildings housed garment manufacturers, book publishers, and even a … <Read More>