Council considers law to allow review of BSA decisions

Proposal would permit Council by a majority vote to review variances and special permits. The City Council’s Land Use Committee heard public testimony on July 24, 2007 on Local Law Intro. 261 to amend the City Charter’s review procedures on BSA decisions. The amendment, sponsored by Council Member Tony Avella, would give the Council the power to review BSA variances and special permit decisions if a majority of the full Council votes to take review. … <Read More>

Fate of East Village horse mart uncertain


The fate of the last remaining horse mart in the city, pictured above, is in the hands of Landmarks after it held an emergency hearing on September 7. Photo: Landmarks Preservation Commission.

Emergency hearing held on East Village horse stable and auction house. On September 7, 2006, less than one month after calendaring, Landmarks held a hearing on the possible designation of the Van Kearney and Van Tassel Horse Auction Mart at 126 East … <Read More>

Landmarks holds hearing on Far West Village District

Supporters urged more inclusive designation. On October 18, 2005, Landmarks held a hearing on the proposed expansion of the Greenwich Village Historic District and creation of a new historic district along Weehawken and West Streets in Manhattan. As proposed, the Greenwich Village Historic District Extension would add 36 buildings within the threeblock area bounded by Perry, Washington, Christopher and Greenwich Streets. The newly proposed Weehawken Street Historic District would encompass 14 commercial and residential buildings … <Read More>

COMMENTARY: Could Landmarks Have Saved Dangler House? City Should Conduct Post-Demolition Official Review

On July 21, 2022, the Jacob Dangler House at 441 Willoughby Avenue in Bed-Stuy, Brooklyn, was demolished less than two weeks after the Landmarks Preservation Commission held a public hearing to consider its designation as an Individual Landmark. Despite the attempt by Landmarks to save the Dangler House by commencing the designation process, the Commission has been criticized for not acting quickly enough. Could Landmarks have actually done more?

Commissioners Skeptical of Plan to Revert neo-Federal Rowhouse to Queen Anne design

Application would turn three adjoining rowhouses on the Upper East Side into one, one-family home. At its public hearing on April 4, 2016, the Landmarks Preservation Commission considered a proposal for work related to the conversion of three rowhouses in the Upper East Side Historic District into one single-family dwelling. The rowhouses, at 11, 13, and 15 East 75th Street were originally constructed as part of a row of six Queen Anne-style rowhouses in the … <Read More>

Wide Community Opposition Voiced in Hearing on Three-Dwelling Development

Applicants sought to subdivide lot with existing home to construct to new buildings, and also build another dwelling on adjoining site. On February 17, 2015, the Landmarks Preservation Commission considered an application to develop three new free-standing homes in the Fieldston Historic District. The site is composed of two lots at 4680 Fieldston Road, with one lot, to be subdivided, currently occupied by a 1918 one-family home. According to the New York Times, … <Read More>