REBNY: Improve the City’s Landmarks Designation Process

The Landmarks Preservation Commission’s (LPC) process for designating New York City historic districts is being used more and more to take the place of zoning.  The designation of historic districts has been pursued to promote many different agendas: to address issues of height and scale, to stop new development and to limit development on vacant or near-vacant sites by purposefully including these sites within the boundaries of historic districts.  These objectives are contrary to the … <Read More>

Council Denies Sidewalk Cafe Permit for Court Street Restaurant

City Council reacted to application’s inaccurate architectural renderings and restaurant’s history of noise complaints. On August 22, 2012, the City Council denied Buschenschank restaurant’s application for an unenclosed sidewalk cafe at 320 Court Street between Degraw and Sackett Streets in Carroll Gardens, Brooklyn. The application called for 24 tables and 48 chairs fronting Court Street.

At the Council’s Zoning & Franchises Subcommittee hearing, a representative of local Council Member Brad Lander and a representative … <Read More>

Proposal to Limit Size of Banks and Other Storefronts in the Upper West Side Awaits Vote from Full Council [UPDATE: City Council Approves Proposal]

Banking group claimed proposed limitations on widths of new ground floor storefronts along Broadway, Amsterdam Avenue, and Columbus Avenue unfairly discriminate against banks. On June 21, 2012, the City Council’s Land Use Committee approved the Department of City Planning’s Upper West Side Neighborhood Retail Streets proposal. The proposal would establish two Special Enhanced Commercial Districts in Manhattan’s Upper West Side and establish limits on the widths of new and expanding ground floor retail stores, … <Read More>

City Council Proposes Important Changes to Landmarks Law

The New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission (“LPC”) has designated more than 1,400 individual landmarks and 107 historic districts.  Approximately 29,000 buildings are under LPC regulation. With only five percent of that total comprising individual landmarks,95 percent are subject to LPC regulation solely because they are located within historic districts, regardless of individual merit.

With the proliferation of buildings subject to LPC regulation, both as individual landmarks and within historic districts, attention has increasingly focused … <Read More>

Seven-Story Greenwich Street Project Revived

Taconic Investment Partners LLC stepping in to complete Morris Adjmi-designed seven-story building after financial troubles delayed project. On May 31, 2012, the City Council  approved a zoning text amendment that will allow Taconic Investment Partners LLC to move forward with a plan to replace a freight-loading garage with a seven-story residential development at 412-414 Greenwich Street in the Tribeca North Historic District. Taconic is under contract to purchase the property from 71 Laight Street … <Read More>

New local laws will govern DOT street projects

Laws will formalize hearing requirements for changes to bike lanes and consultation and reporting require ments for major transportation projects. The City Council approved three local laws concerning bike lanes and other major projects proposed by the Department of Transportation. Intro 412-A formalizes DOT outreach efforts to communities affected by proposed bike lanes. Intro 626-A and 671-A create formal consultation and reporting requirements for major transportation projects. Council amended the proposals after the Council’s … <Read More>