Duggin-designed villa to have designation hearing

Landmarks takes first step in designation of former Staten Island home of prominent engraver. On November 15, 2005, Landmarks initiated the designation process for 1 Pendleton Place, an 1860 Stick Style villa built by Charles Duggin for William S. Pendleton. Pendleton was a distinguished American engraver in the 19th Century, and cofounded the first known lithographic shop in Boston. He was prominent in Staten Island civic life, founding at least two churches and serving as … <Read More>

Council nixes designation of Cass Gilbert warehouse

Council overrode mayor’s veto, claiming Cass Gilbert-designed building is unworthy of designation. On December 5, 2005, Mayor Michael Bloomberg vetoed the City Council’s vote rejecting the Landmarks Preservation Commission’s designation of a Williamsburg, Brooklyn warehouse. The Council gathered sufficient votes on December 8th to override the mayor, calling the building simply unworthy.

Landmarks had unanimously designated the Austin Nichols & Co. Warehouse building in September 2005 over the objection of the owner and Council Member … <Read More>

Landmarks holds hearing on Far West Village District

Supporters urged more inclusive designation. On October 18, 2005, Landmarks held a hearing on the proposed expansion of the Greenwich Village Historic District and creation of a new historic district along Weehawken and West Streets in Manhattan. As proposed, the Greenwich Village Historic District Extension would add 36 buildings within the threeblock area bounded by Perry, Washington, Christopher and Greenwich Streets. The newly proposed Weehawken Street Historic District would encompass 14 commercial and residential buildings … <Read More>

Plaza Hotel public rooms receive Landmark status

Council voted without debate to uphold Landmarks’ designation of the interiors of the Plaza Hotel. On October 27, 2005, the full Council voted to support the Landmarks Preservation Commission’s designation of eight interior rooms of the Plaza hotel as individual landmarks with very little debate. Landmarks had moved quickly to designate the Plaza’s interiors in April 2005 after Elad Properties, the Plaza’s current owners, filed a change of use application to alter some of the … <Read More>

Council rejects designation of Queens Blvd. bank

Objections by building owner and lack of positive support by council member sank designation. On October 27, 2005, the City Council overturned the Landmarks Preservation Commission’s designation of the 1966-built, former Jamaica Savings Bank on Queens Boulevard in Elmhurst. Landmarks designated the bank in June 2005, calling it a striking example of 1960s popular modernist architecture. 2 CityLand 92 (July 15, 2005). The bank, designed by William F. Cann, features a 116-foot long curved copper … <Read More>

Far West Village to have district designation hearings

Two new proposed districts would encompass 50 buildings west of Greenwich Village Historic District. Landmarks took the first step towards expanding the Greenwich Village Historic District and creating a new historic district along Weehawken and West Streets in Manhattan by voting unanimously on September 20, 2005 to hold hearings on the designations.

As proposed, the Greenwich Village Historic District Extension would add 36 buildings within the three-block area bound by Perry, Washington, Christopher and Greenwich … <Read More>