City sues to save landmarked apt. bldg.

Lawsuit intended to keep 19th century landmark from falling into a state of disrepair. In 2005, Landmarks designated the Windermere Apartments, three buildings located on West 57th Street and Ninth Avenue, in order to preserve its Queen Anne-style architecture and to recognize its storied history as a residence for young, self-supporting women entering the workforce in the mid-1800s. The owners claimed that the buildings were in an “unsafe condition” and did not warrant designation; preservation … <Read More>

Designation hearing held on St.Michael’s Church

200-year-old church receives wide support, though pastor ambivalent. On March 18, 2008, Landmarks heard testimony on the possible designation of St. Michael’s Church, Parish House, and Rectory located on West 99th Street, between Broadway and Amsterdam Avenue. The church and rectory were designed by Robert W. Gibson, an architect known for his work on the West End Collegiate Church on West 77th Street. The parish house was built in a similar Romanesque Revival-style. The complex’s … <Read More>

Bronx engraving plant landmarked

American Bank Note Company’s printing plant serves as an example of early 20th century industrial architecture. On February 5, 2008, Landmarks voted to designate the America Banknote Company printing plant. Constructed in 1911 by architecture firm Kirby Petite & Green, the Round Arch-style plant includes Gothic details and a nine-story tower with a crenellated parapet. The plant printed bank notes, stocks, bonds, checks, and possibly dollar bills, until it closed in 1984.

At the public … <Read More>

Landmarks considers 1911 printing plant

Owners of former engraving plant welcome landmark designation. Landmarks heard testimony on the possible designation of the American Bank Note Company Printing Plant on January 15, 2008. The architects of the plant, Kirby Petit & Green, also designed the American Bank Note Company’s Manhattan offices on Broad Street, which the City designated as a landmark in 1997.

The plant’s design emphasizes security as well as aesthetics, with only one entrance along the over 1,500 feet … <Read More>

Landmarks Designates New DUMBO Historic District

Local elected officials behind push for designation. On December 18, 2007, Landmarks voted to designate a portion of the DUMBO area as an historic district. DUMBO, an acronym for Down Under the Manhattan Bridge Overpass, served as a center for American manufacturing beginning in the 19th century. The architecture of its industrial buildings range in materials from brick and timber to reinforced concrete. In the 1970s, young artists began moving to the area and … <Read More>

Landmarks designates 19th century school

Designation does not include adjacent lot to accommodate trade group. Landmarks voted on November 20, 2007 to designate the former P.S. 90 building in Flatbush, Brooklyn. The Round-Arch style building dates back to 1878 and was built by John Y Culyer, chief engineer of Prospect Park and designer of the nearby Flatbush Town Hall. Landmarks first held a public hearing on the building back in 1989.

At the September 18th public hearing, representatives from the … <Read More>