The Ins and Outs of the Legislation Side of the New York State Budget Process

By Liz Fine

The new year. A time for celebrations, for resolutions – and in Albany, for the launch of the State budget process. Far more than in most states, a year’s worth of policy making will get crammed into several weeks of work and thousands of dense legislative and budget pages. 

I have had a long career in government. I worked in the White House, Congress, and as General Counsel to the New York <Read More>

Mayor Appoints New City Charter Revision Commission

On December 12, 2024, New York City Mayor Eric Adams announced the individuals who have been appointed to review the New York City Charter. The team, referred to as the Charter Revision Commission (CRC), will review the entire New York City charter to ensure New York City’s municipal government addresses the needs of New Yorkers. The team will determine how the charter may be used to promote fair housing across the five boroughs. The formation … <Read More>

15 Things To Know About NYC’s Budget To Be A City Budget Wonk

By Jim Caras

This month the Mayor releases his Preliminary Budget, marking the start of the City’s annual budget process for the 2026 fiscal year that begins July 1, 2025. The City Charter, in Chapter 10, requires the Mayor to propose a budget and the City Council to adopt a budget for each fiscal year. The City budget is a vitally important document that sets the City’s spending priorities by determining funding levels for various <Read More>

NYCHA Announces Financing Secured for Manhattanville Houses PACT Renovation Project

On December 12, 2024, the New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) announced they secured $445 million to renovate the Manhattanville Houses Complex, revitalize existing shared spaces, and improve building infrastructure. This project is anticipated to be completed in three years.

This complex was selected through the Permanent Affordability Commitment Together (PACT) program which maintains residents’ rights and preserves affordable rents for all households. Since 2021, the Permanent Affordability Commitment Together (PACT) team and Manhattanville resident … <Read More>

City Advances Open Space on Manhattan Side of Brooklyn Bridge Amid Push for Larger ‘Gotham Park’ Vision

On November 18, 2024, the New York City Department of Transportation (DOT) announced that New Yorkers now have access to more public space on the Manhattan side of the Brooklyn Bridge. It builds on last year’s opening of “The Arches,” a stretch of public open space adjacent to the Brooklyn Bridge, announced in honor of the 140th anniversary of the Brooklyn Bridge’s 1883 opening. The space’s name refers to the adjacent 53 arches along <Read More>