DOT and DDC Complete Select Bus Service Route Safety and Infrastructure Upgrades

The upgrades include new traffic signals, traffic islands, new water mains, fire hydrants and curb extensions along the route. On February 14, 2020, the Department of Transportation (DOT) and Department of Design and Construction (DDC) announced the completion of the redevelopment of one of the busiest bus routes along Utica Avenue in Brooklyn, connecting major residential and commercial hubs. The $22.7 million dollar project will improve the B46 Select Bus Service (SBS), which services about … <Read More>

DEP and DDC Begin Sewer Infrastructure Project in Hollis and Queens Village

The project will replace more than 7,000 feet of water mains, some of which were installed before World War II. On August 19, 2019, the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) and the Department of Design and Construction (DDC) jointly announced the beginning of an infrastructure project in the Hollis and Queens Village neighborhoods of Queens. The project is part of Mayor de Blasio’s $1.9 billion plan to revamp the drainage system and alleviate flooding in … <Read More>

Bronx Playground Receives $8 Million Upgrade with Green Infrastructure

The playground provides new community amenities and improves the health of the Harlem River. On June 7, 2019, the Department of Parks and Recreation announced the completion of an $8 million upgrade to Saw Mill Playground in the Mott Haven section of the Bronx. The playground is located on East 139th Street between Brook and Willis Avenues.

‘If You Build It, They Will Come’: City’s Chief Public Realm Officer Outlines Progress, Priorities

By Mark Chiusano

Ya-Ting Liu was appointed New York City’s inaugural chief public realm officer two years ago this month. How has the realm changed so far during her tenure? 

That was the subject of Liu’s talk at New York Law School’s 196th CityLaw Breakfast on Wednesday, during which she described well-used public space as “the secret sauce of cities” and how she thinks pedestrians should be “the main character” in New York City design. <Read More>

DDC Celebrates Completion of Reade Street Sidewalk Vault Restoration

On January 21, 2025, Commissioner Thomas Foley of the New York City Department of Design and Construction announced the completion of the reconstruction and stabilization of a two-story high underground sidewalk vault located at 22 Reade Street. This $5.7 million project was managed by the City Department of Design and Construction for the City Department of Citywide Administrative Service through using the Construction Manager-Build (CM-Build) contracting method.