Early 20th Century Dairy Buildings Enter Designation Process

Two buildings in former dairy complex identified as potentially worthy of preservation in advance of proposed East New York rezoning. At a meeting on March 8, 2016, the Landmarks Preservation Commission voted to add the Empire State Dairy Company Buildings at 2840 Atlantic Avenue in Brooklyn to its calendar, formally commencing the designation process. The two buildings together prominently occupy a full block face along Atlantic Avenue. Landmarks staff undertook a survey of the neighborhood … <Read More>

The Rooftops Conference 2016

The Rooftops Conference NYC 2016, to be held on Friday, April 1st, will be our sixth annual symposium for the not-for-profit sector focused on the role of real estate — owned, leased, or hosted physical space — in the operations, financial performance, and achievement of mission by not-for-profit organizations of all sizes and mission types.

Panelists from the not-for-profit sector, the real estate industry, and the professions will explore themes illustrating how not-for-profit executives, … <Read More>

Commissioner Vicki Been on the de Blasio Administration’s Comprehensive Plan for Affordable Housing

At the CityLaw Breakfast on November 13, 2015 Commissioner Vicki Been outlined the de Blasio Administration’s recent actions and efforts to advance a coherent and far reaching housing policy for New York City, one that provides more affordable housing for low-income and working-class New Yorkers, strengthens neighborhoods, and at the same time protects those residents who are already benefiting from and have a continued need for affordable housing.

At Final Backlog Hearing, Testimony Considered on Manhattan Items

The proposed designation of the former Yuengling Brewery Site in East Harlem proved contentious, dividing preservationists and those who wished to see site developed.  On November 12, 2015 the Landmarks Preservation Commission held the final of four special hearings organized to address the backlog of items added to the Commission’s calendar before 2001, but never brought to a vote on designation.  The final hearing consisted of items in Manhattan, occupying Community Boards six through twelve.  … <Read More>

Council Hears Testimony on Amendment to Noise Control Code

Proposed law would restrict activities conducted on construction sites located in close proximity to a school while classes are being held.  On June 25, 2015, the City Council Committee on Environmental Protection held a public hearing on Intro 420, which would restrict the level of permissible noise emitted from construction sites located within 75 feet of either a public or private school.  The proposed law would prohibit construction noise above 45 decibels during normal … <Read More>

Taxis: Yellow, Green and Black: Competition & Evolution

On a daily basis I am reminded that seemingly everyone loves to talk about taxis. Last year between the Daily News, the Post and Times, there were over 2,000 articles mentioning taxis, which transport about a million people a day – yet only about 3,000 articles mentioning subways which transport six-million people a day. Travelers and New Yorkers are clearly disproportionally obsessed with taxis.

Assuming that what people ask me is representative of what’s on … <Read More>