City Announces Largest Civil Rights Settlement for Housing Discrimination

On August 22, 2024, New York City Mayor Eric Adams and the New York City Commission on Human Rights announced the largest civil rights settlement in New York City history. This $1 million housing discrimination settlement was imposed against Parkchester Preservation Management for discriminating against voucher holders. In addition to this historic event, the New York City Commission on Human Rights secured 850 apartment units, the most ever secured in a New York City Commission … <Read More>

City Planning Commission Votes to Approve City of Yes for Economic Opportunity Amendment

On March 6, 2024, the City Planning Commission voted to approve the City of Yes for Economic Opportunity zoning text amendment. The amendment, the second of Mayor Eric Adams’ three City of Yes proposals, is a collection of eighteen changes to the zoning text designed to remove obstacles for small businesses looking to expand and create more vibrant streetscapes. 

Comptroller M/WBE Report Shows City Needs to Make More Progress in Distributing Contracts

On February 14, 2024, New York City Comptroller Brad Lander released the Annual Report on M/WBE Procurement which found that the City fell short of ensuring equitable distribution of contracts with Minority and Women-Owned Business Enterprises (M/WBEs). The report takes into consideration a review of contract registration data from the City and analyzes M/WBE contracts based on procurement method, dollar value, and industry. The report examines city agencies’ use of the M/WBE Noncompetitive Small Purchase … <Read More>

City Imposes Two-Year Facade Inspecting Ban for Engineer Following December Partial Building Collapse in the Bronx

On February 22, 2024, Mayor Eric Adams and the Department of Buildings announced an agreement for a two-year suspension for a professional engineer to conduct facade inspections following the December 2023 partial collapse of 1915 Billingsley Terrace in the Bronx. Several families lost their apartments, although there fortunately were no fatalities or serious injuries.