Columbia U. and CB 9 offer competing West Side plans

Columbia University proposes extensive re-development; Community Board 9 seeks to protect existing uses. On June 18, 2007, the Planning Commission launched public consideration of two competing future development plans for Manhattanville. The competing plans are sponsored by Columbia University and Manhattan Community Board 9.

Columbia University’s plan calls for rezoning of a 35-acre area with roughly 17 acres proposed for private development by Columbia. The area, roughly bounded by Broadway, Old Broadway, and the Hudson … <Read More>

To attorney Paul Selver, the Market Matters Most

When asked to recall projects throughout his 35-year career, land use attorney Paul Selver’s discussion becomes a vivid narrative of how the economy translates into New York City’s physical changes. Selver sees 1977 as the point when developers started looking ahead for the first time; the 1981 to 1988 development boom coincided with the economy’s exuberance and ended with the stock market crash. To Selver, his current projects, like a six-block rezoning in Coney Island, … <Read More>

Citizen’s challenge to 72nd St. ramp closing rejected

No supplemental EIS required. Lincoln West, a 74-acre project being developed on Manhattan’s west side between West 59th and West 72nd Streets along the Henry Hudson Parkway, began its approval process in the early 1990s. The City’s 1992 FEIS for the project included the closure of the West 72nd Street ramp off the Henry Hudson Parkway and the southward extension of Riverside Drive, both of which were explained as pending later approval by DOT.

In … <Read More>

Rezoning approved for two Verizon sites

Commission approved Verizon’s consolidation plans. Verizon New York, Inc. sought to rezone two sites that it occupies in Clinton, Manhattan. The first proposal would rezone a 45,200 sq.ft. site at the intersection of Eleventh Avenue and West 43rd Street from M2-3 to C6-4. The second would rezone a 143,300 sq.ft. full-block area, bounded by Eleventh Avenue, West 47th Street, Twelfth Avenue and West 48th Street, from M2-3 to Ml- 5. The Commission unanimously approved both. … <Read More>