City Connects 10,000 Households to Stable, Affordable Housing in Fiscal Year 2022

Mayor Adams announced several achievements over the last fiscal year in the multiagency effort to get New Yorkers into quality affordable homes. On September 15, 2022, Mayor Eric Adams announced that despite challenges like inflation, his administration connected nearly 10,000 families and individuals to stable, affordable homes in Fiscal Year 2022 (FY22). As part of the Mayor’s Housing Blueprint, his administration ensured that housing investments prioritized the experiences of New Yorkers, and that key … <Read More>

Landmarks Considers Converting Former Catholic Orphanage into a Jewish Yeshiva

NYC Landmarks Preservation Commission heard a proposal to substantially renovate and convert Angel Guardian Home, an individual landmark, into a Yeshiva. On August 2, 2022, the NYC Landmarks Preservation Commission held a public hearing for an application that would substantially renovate the Angel Guardian Home located at 6301 12th Avenue in Dyker Heights, Brooklyn. The proposal intends to convert Angel Guardian Home into a Yeshiva for the Gur International Chassidic Sect. For CityLand’s previous … <Read More>

DDC Announces First-Ever Pre-Qualified List for M/WBE General Contractors’ Benefit

On July 13, 2022, the NYC Department of Design and Construction (DDC) Commissioner Thomas Foley announced the creation of the City’s first Pre-Qualified List, strictly for Minority- and Women-Owned Business Enterprises general contractors. The Pre-Qualified List was designed to provide Minority- and Women-Owned Business Enterprises general contractors with first dibs over Department of Design and Construction projects between $500,000 and $2.99 million. In this way, construction contracts can be awarded faster and projects can be … <Read More>

Lesbian Herstory Archives Calendared for Individual Landmark Designation

Already located within the Park Slope Historic District, the building will now be considered for a designation as an Individual Landmark. On June 28, 2022, the Landmarks Preservation Commission voted to calendar the Lesbian Herstory Archives for designation. Located at 484 14th Street in Park Slope, Brooklyn, this French Renaissance Revival-style rowhouse was constructed in 1908 and has housed the Lesbian Herstory Archives since 1991.

COMPLETE VIDEO: 181st CityLaw Breakfast with Greg Russ, NYCHA Chair and CEO – 7/14 9 AM

Today, July 14, 2022, Greg Russ, the Chair and CEO of the New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA), spoke at the 181st CityLaw Breakfast. Professor Ross Sandler, Director of the Center for New York City Law provided opening remarks. Dean and President of New York Law School Anthony W. Crowell  had a closing discussion with Chair Russ. This Breakfast was sponsored by ConEdison, Greenberg Traurig, and Verizon. This was the fifteenth virtual CityLaw Breakfast as … <Read More>