Landmarks Designates Angel Guardian Home as Individual Landmark

The landmark highlights the history of social services in Brooklyn. On November 10, 2020, the Landmarks Preservation Commission voted to designate the Angel Guardian Home as an individual landmark. The Angel Guardian Home, located at 6301 12th Avenue in Dyker Heights, Brooklyn, is a former orphanage operated by the Sisters of Mercy. It is the first individual landmark in Dyker Heights.

City Council Holds Hearing to Address Deed Fraud Crisis

Proposed legislation would include requirements to provide information about how to respond to suspected deed fraud. On October 13, 2020, the City Council Committee of Housing and Buildings and the Committee on Finance held an oversight hearing examining the City’s deed theft and deed fraud crisis, and discussed two bills and a resolution aimed at combatting deed theft: Int 1913, Int 1919, and Res 1427.

City Shifts Funding to Address Urgent Affordable Housing Needs

$466 million moved back into the 2021 Fiscal Year’s capital budget. On October 22, 2020, Mayor Bill de Blasio announced the acceleration of capital funding within the City’s affordable housing plan by shifting $466 million to the current fiscal year’s capital budget to address urgent affordable housing needs. In March, the City moved $466 million from the Department of Housing Preservation and Developments Fiscal Year 2021 budget to the Fiscal Years 2022 through 2024. However, … <Read More>

UPDATED: CPC Holds Public Hearing on Manufacturing and Residential Mixed-Use Development in Brownsville

The project is a partnership between a mental health and housing non-profit and a manufacturing real estate non-profit. On October 7, 2020, the City Planning Commission held a public hearing for a mixed use-manufacturing and affordable housing development at 803 Rockaway Avenue in Brownsville, Brooklyn. The rezoning area covers nine lots on the block bounded by Riverdale Avenue to the north, Newport Avenue to the south, Rockaway Avenue to the west and Thatford Avenue to … <Read More>

Landmarks Approves Demolition and New Construction in Greenpoint HD

Landmarks approved the demolition and new construction on the condition that applicants fine-tune design details with the Commission. On September 15, 2020, the Landmarks Preservation Commission approved a certificate of appropriateness for the demolition and construction of a new commercial building at 171 Calyer Street, in the Greenpoint Historic District of Brooklyn.

Flatbush Community Investment Adds Affordable Housing, Educational and Vocational Training Center

The development is on the site of a former landmark. On October 9, 2020, Mayor Bill de Blasio and Council Member Mathieu Eugene announced plans to develop affordable housing in Flatbush, Brooklyn to add approximately 130 affordable apartments. This new site would be located at 2286 Church Avenue and is the site of former Public School 90.