Mayor Reappoints Landmarks Chair Sarah Carroll and Nominates Anthony Crowell and Gail Benjamin to City Planning

Sarah Carroll will serve an additional seven years at Landmarks, while Gail Benjamin and NYLS Dean Anthony Crowell will join City Planning for five years. On August 5, 2022, Mayor Eric Adams nominated Sarah Carroll to continue as Chair of Landmarks Preservation Commission and nominated Gail Benjamin and Anthony Crowell to the City Planning Commission. Landmarks commissioners serve seven-year terms, while City Planning commissioners serve for five years.

Small Business Services Awards $3.8 Million in Nonprofit Grants

Funding from the Avenue NYC and Neighborhood 360 grant programs will be awarded to 24 nonprofits working towards pandemic recovery in low to moderate income neighborhoods. On July 13, 2022, the NYC Department of Small Business Services (SBS) announced it will award $3.8 million in multi-year grants through the Avenue NYC and Neighborhood 360 programs. This investment will be divided among 24 community-based development organizations working in low-to-moderate income neighborhoods.

COMMENTARY: Could Landmarks Have Saved Dangler House? City Should Conduct Post-Demolition Official Review

On July 21, 2022, the Jacob Dangler House at 441 Willoughby Avenue in Bed-Stuy, Brooklyn, was demolished less than two weeks after the Landmarks Preservation Commission held a public hearing to consider its designation as an Individual Landmark. Despite the attempt by Landmarks to save the Dangler House by commencing the designation process, the Commission has been criticized for not acting quickly enough. Could Landmarks have actually done more?

Mayor’s Office Releases Homeowner Handbook

This comprehensive guide is designed to help more New Yorkers achieve home ownership, particularly in low income communities and communities of color. On July 27, 2022, Mayor Eric Adams released the “Homeowner Handbook: Protecting and Maintaining Home in NYC”. The handbook is designed to help New Yorkers navigate the responsibilities of homeownership, and provides resources for homeowners to protect and maintain their homes.

DOT Announces Completed Intersection Redesign

This project is part of the Adams administration’s commitment to fixing 1,000 intersections a year. On July 29, 2022, Department of Transportation (DOT) Commissioner Ydanis Rodriguez announced the completion of an intersection redesign at Highland Boulevard and Vermont Place. Located in Highland Park near the Ridgewood Reservoir, the intersection was redesigned to improve pedestrian safety and greenspace access for the many Brooklyn and Queens residents who enjoy the park.