Public Library entrance plaza to be redesigned

Landmarks approved the proposal, finding that the access changes were well integrated into the building’s design, thus eliminating any discernable impact on the perception of the building from the street. The geometric paving, due to its simple repetitive pattern, would be in the spirit of the original plaza design. Landmarks, noting that the kiosk’s footprint aligns with the pattern of the plaza paving and that the water feature, when off, blends with the material of … <Read More>

Carriage-house replication approved in Clinton Hill

New two-story house okayed for vacant lot. Geoffroi Flournoy, of BRP Development Corp., sought Landmarks approval to build a twostory, red-brick building at 302 Waverly Avenue, a vacant lot in the Clinton Hill Historic District, Brooklyn. Following three public hearings in 2001 through 2003, the new building was approved based on the design’s replication of other two-story carriage houses within the district.

In approving, Landmarks noted that the design’s proposed cornice, red brick and large … <Read More>

Five-story residential building okayed

Variance will allow new residential building on irregularly-shaped, shallow lot. BSA approved a use variance for the construction of a fivestory residential building with 13 residential units and seven parking spaces in an M1-1 zoning district. The building will be located on a 15,840 sq. ft. vacant lot on the west side of Havemeyer Street between Metropolitan Avenue and Hope Street in Brooklyn. The original proposal called for a taller, bulkier building, which was reduced … <Read More>

Watchtower’s full-block project approved

Watchtower reduced height to gain approval of complex. On December 2, 2004, following extensive negotiations between the developer and Council Members Leticia James and David Yassky, the City Council approved the 736,400 sq.ft. development proposed by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc., subject to a height reduction. The modification, which reduced the street-wall heights of the Front Street buildings to 82 ft. and a maximum height of 110 ft. away from … <Read More>

Use variance for mini-storage facility denied

Site now used for b us parking lot. Enopac Holding LLC, which since 1995 operated a parking lot for 150- 180 school buses on its property located at 6055 -6065 Strickland Avenue in Brooklyn, sought a use variance from the BSA to allow the construction of six mini-storage buildings on the property. Although the site historically contained several heavy and light industrial uses, including a waste treatment facility, the City rezoned the area in 1996 … <Read More>

New mixed-use building okayed after size reduction

Variance will allow 11 new dwellings and ground floor commercial in a manufacturing zone. BSA approved a use variance, permitting a five-story residential development with ground floor commercial on an M1-1 zoned lot with unobstructed views of lower Manhattan at the corner of Columbia and Congress Streets in Brooklyn.

When the project site, two lots totaling 4,773 sq.ft., was purchased by the variance applicants, Isaac, Jacqueline, and Maurice Douek, it contained two vacant four -story … <Read More>