Proposal for Four Seasons Restaurant Renovation Substantially Denied

Landmarks voted to issue a certificate of appropriateness for new carpeting, while denying plans to alter walnut-veneer transom and lighting, and remove glass partition installed by Philip Johnson in 1983. On May 19, 2015, the Landmarks Preservation Commission considered a proposal to make alterations to the Four Seasons Restaurant, designated an interior landmark in 1989, in the lobby of the Seagram Building at 375 Park Avenue in Manhattan. The Seagram Building, completed in 1958, … <Read More>

Addition to Tammany Hall Approved after Reduction in Size

Contemporary dome would sit atop restored neo-Georgian building facing Union Square. On March 10, 2015, the Landmarks Preservation Commission voted to approve the construction of an addition, as well as façade renovations, to the former Tammany Hall building at 44 Union Square East, an individual City landmark. Landmark first considered a proposal for the site in November of 2015.

Council Hears Rockefeller University Renewal Project [Update: Council Land Use Committees Approve Unanimously]

Council Member requests Rockefeller University to consider Community Board 8 and Borough President conditions. On April 23, 2014, the City Council Land Use Subcommittee on Zoning and Franchises heard an application by Rockefeller University for a special permit and related actions to allow the expansion of its campus. Rockefeller University, located on the east side of York Avenue between East 64th and East 68th Streets in Manhattan and founded in 1901, is the first institution … <Read More>

Synagogue Congregants Oppose Designation

Before serving as a synagogue, 1869 building was home to German Baptist congregation and a Ukrainian Orthodox church. On March 25, 2014, the Landmarks Preservation Commission held a hearing on the proposed individual landmark designation of the Congregation Tifereth Israel Town and Village Synagogue located at 334 East 14th Street in Manhattan. The structure was completed in 1869 to designs by the German-born architect Julius Boekell. The Runbogenstil style structure was originally built as the … <Read More>

Preserving the Past While Looking to the Future: LPC Executive Director Kate Daly on Community Outreach and Partnership, and her Career and Goals at Landmarks


Kate Daly, the Landmarks Preservation Commission’s Executive Director oversees all of the agency’s operations, including its budget and personnel. She plays an important role in shepherding properties through the landmarking process, from the initial stages through designation. She is pivotal in the outreach process to communities and property owners, meeting with and educating people about the responsibilities and benefits of landmarking.

Daly came to Landmarks in 2002 after completing her graduate degree in historic … <Read More>

Reminder: The Rooftops Conference NYC 2013

Rooftop SMThe Rooftops Conference NYC 2013, to be held on Friday, April 19, is our third annual symposium focused on the not-for-profit sector and the role of real estate–owned, leased, or hosted physical space–in the operations, financial performance, and achievement of mission by not-for-profit organizations of all sizes and mission types.

Panelists and presenters from the not-for-profit sector, government, the real estate industry, and the professions will explore diverse themes of direct relevance to not-for-profits. … <Read More>