City Seeking Developer for Reuse of Drill Hall Space in Bedford-Atlantic Armory

Department of Homeless Services operates a 350-bed men’s shelter in head house of landmarked Armory. On August 14, 2012, the City Economic Development Corporation issued a request for proposals from developers interested in leasing and reusing a 50,000-square-foot drill hall space in the 23rd Regiment Armory at the corner Bedford and Atlantic Avenues in Crown Heights, Brooklyn. The National Guard completed the Romanesque Revival-style Armory in 1895. The Landmarks Preservation Commission designated the building … <Read More>

EDC Seeks Developers for Four Sites Slated for Industrial Development

City seeks proposals for industrial-use lots in parts of the Bronx, Brooklyn, and Queens. On June 25, 2012, the Economic Development Corporation issued a rolling request for proposals for the purchase or lease of four City-owned industrial parcels in the Bronx, Brooklyn, and Queens. The sites are: North Zerega in Unionport, Bronx; Chestnut-Dinsmore in Cypress Hills, Brooklyn; Moore McCormack in Sunset Park, Brooklyn; and College Point in the College Point Industrial Park section of … <Read More>

Split Court Upholds Sunset Park Rezoning Plan [UPDATE: Court of Appeals Affirms]

This article was originally published on 10/15/2011 (see below for update).

Dissent argued that City only belatedly added consideration of rezoning’s impact on low-income residents. In April 2009, the Department of City Planning proposed a 128-block contextual rezoning of Sunset Park, Brooklyn. Planning sought to preserve the residential neighborhood’s built character while allowing new construction at a height and scale consistent with existing development. The proposal called for establishing height limits, mapping new … <Read More>

Williamsburg Mixed-Use Project Withstands Legal Challenge

City approved developer’s request to rezone 15 tax lots to facilitate the development of two, six-story buildings near site of Domino Sugar project. Bruce Terzano (through JBJ, LLC) sought City approval to build a two-building mixed-use project at the corner of Wythe Avenue and South 3rd Street in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. To facilitate his proposal, Terzano asked the City to expand a nearby MX-8 special mixed-use district to include 15 tax lots on the eastern … <Read More>

Landmarks Approves Reconstruction of Fort Greene Townhouse’s Deteriorating Facade

“White knight” owner stepped in to rehabilitate 1866 townhouse after building fell into disrepair. On June 5, 2012, Landmarks approved a proposal to dismantle and reconstruct the deteriorating facade of an 1866 Second-Empire building at 434 Vanderbilt Avenue in the Fort Greene Historic District. In addition to rebuilding the front facade, the proposal included plans to build a rear metal deck on top of an existing one-story extension. The owner also plans to … <Read More>

City Comptroller Audit Criticizes Public Design Commission

Public Design Commission rejected Comptroller’s recommendation for more efficient design review process.  The New York City Public Design Commission (formerly known as the Art Commission) reviews permanent works of art, architecture, and landscape architecture proposed on or over City-owned property. The Commission is composed of 11 unpaid members, eight of whom are appointed by the mayor, and includes an architect, landscape architect, painter, and sculptor, as well as representatives of the Brooklyn Museum, the … <Read More>