Zoning Subcommittee Approves Partial Rezoning of Fort Hamilton Parkway

Applicant seeks to build a six-story community facility for women’s health.  On February 24, 2015 the City Council Subcommittee on Zoning and Franchises approved an application by Fort Hamilton, LLC to rezone the north side of Fort Hamilton Parkway between 53rd Street and 55th Street in Borough Park, Brooklyn. The application rezones the area from its current R5 to an R6 district with a C1-3 overlay, and is intended to facilitate construction of a six-story … <Read More>

HDC Identified Targets of Preservation Focus for 2015

Among its stated priorities, preservationist organization hopes to spur designation of items on Landmarks’ calendar that have been long under consideration without being brought to a vote. On February 3 2015, the Historic District Council held an event where it released its annual “Six to Celebrate,” identifying preservation priorities for the coming year. Candidates for the list are submitted by community organizations, and evaluated by HDC for historic and architectural merit, as well … <Read More>

CityLand Recognizes New York City’s Presidential History

Presidents’ Day began as a remembrance of George Washington’s birthday and has since developed into a remembrance of all who have served as President of the United States of America.  New York City has played a role in the history of many Presidents, even as the birthplace of one – Theodore Roosevelt.  In celebration of the holiday, we here at CityLand have created a list of historic places that have a connection to our Presidents.  … <Read More>

Proposal for Former Sugar Refinery on Waterfront Divides Commission

Plan would replace existing, non-original, facade facing East River, with sculptural contemporary facade of glass and metal. The Landmarks Preservation Commission considered an application on February 3, 2015, for the renovation of an 1898 factory building at 10 Jay Street in the DUMBO Historic District. The building, originally built to process coffee, and later converted to a sugar refinery, was substantially altered in the 1940s, with approximately half the building demolished. The proposal … <Read More>

Mayor de Blasio Delivers State of the City Address

Affordable housing issues, including rent-regulation, mandatory inclusionary zoning, and more were highlighted in the speech.  On February 3, 2015 Mayor Bill de Blasio delivered his second State Of The City address from Baruch College.  The Mayor spoke at length about the affordable housing crisis facing New York City and the programs his administration has begun or will propose to address the problem.