Parks To Allocate $4.6 Million for Gorman Playground Upgrades in East Elmhurst

The East Elmhurst playground will be receiving a $4.6 million renovation to accommodate active and passive recreation. On April 8, 2021, the New York City Department of Parks and Recreation’s Commissioner, Mitchell J. Silver, announced the new $4.6 million renovation of the Gorman Playground located at 25th Avenue and 84th Street in East Elmhurst. The project received its funding for renovation from former Council Member Costa Constantinides prior to his departure from office.

Park in Staten Island Receives $5.5 Million Upgrade

The $5.5 million project renovates athletic fields at Bloomindale Park in Staten Island. On March 11, 2021, the New York City Department of Parks and Recreation announced the completion of athletic field upgrades in Bloomingdale Park in Prince’s Bay, Staten Island. The improvements include a brand new synthetic turf multi-purpose field as well as the renovation of a turf soccer field.

Penn Triangle Park Reconstruction Completed

The renovations include new play equipment and trees. On March 15, 2021, the New York City Department of Parks and Recreation and the Prospect Park Alliance announced the completion of the Penn Triangle reconstruction in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. The project is a part of the Community Parks Initiative, which aims to create thriving equitable public places through the reconstruction of smaller local parks.

City Council Holds Hearing to Address Deed Fraud Crisis

Proposed legislation would include requirements to provide information about how to respond to suspected deed fraud. On October 13, 2020, the City Council Committee of Housing and Buildings and the Committee on Finance held an oversight hearing examining the City’s deed theft and deed fraud crisis, and discussed two bills and a resolution aimed at combatting deed theft: Int 1913, Int 1919, and Res 1427.

Review denied of neighbor’s alterations

Neighbor asks the Landmark Preservation Commission to review their neighbor’s completed renovations. Richard Robbins lives in an apartment on West 103rd Street. Robbin’s next-door neighbors at 315 West 103rd Street received permission in 2008 from the Department of Buildings to enlarge their home. In 2009, Buildings ordered the neighbor to stop working on the addition, at a point when only the roof and the backyard expansion had been completed. In 2015 The Landmarks Preservation Commission … <Read More>