Wayne Barrett, R.I.P.

Wayne Barrett, who passed away on January 19, 2017, was in fact a “fierce muckraker” as described in the New York Times’ laudatory obituary published the day of Barrett’s death. Barrett’s unparalleled research scared the political people he wrote about, and his long articles in the Village Voice based on those facts frightened them even more.

Wayne Barrett had no peer when it came to ferreting out the full story of politicians’ tricks, compromises and … <Read More>

Eric Garner’s death: No Justice, No Peace

Three years have passed since Eric Garner’s choking death at the hands of police officer Daniel Pantaleo, and the episode remains unresolved. The grand jury’s secrecy and its decision not to indict anyone, along with Comptroller Scott Stringer’s unusually swift civil settlement with the Garner Family, have left the public with insufficient answers and a sense that justice has been denied. Civil rights organizations and governmental investigators have made additional attempts to obtain information, but … <Read More>

Almost 300 New Residential Units to be Added in Bedford-Stuyvesant

Planning Commission approves two new residential buildings in northeast Brooklyn with up to 88 affordable units. On March 8, 2017, the City Planning Commission issued a favorable report on an application to construct two new mixed-used buildings opposite of each other on Franklin Avenue in the Bedford-Stuyvesant neighborhood of Brooklyn. The developer, Riverside Developers USA Inc., requested the upzoning of the two project sites from manufacturing zoning districts to joint residential and commercial zones. The … <Read More>

Subcommittee Delays Action on Three Landmark Designations

Six designations sent to full Council where they were ratified; three items held over for further deliberation. On February 27, 2017, City Council’s Subcommittee on Landmarks, Public Siting, and Maritime Uses heard testimony and voted on the items designated at the Landmarks Preservation Commission’s last meeting devoted to the backlog initiative. The designated properties were introduced to the Subcommittee by Landmarks’ Lisa Kersavage and Lauren George. The Subcommittee approved designations for six of the … <Read More>

CPC Agrees to Legalize Overbuilt Building for Expanding Non-Profit

City Planning Commission approves legalization and expansion of Red Hook non-profit servicing the needs of the community. On February 22, 2017, the City Planning Commission voted to approve an overbuilt building located at 763 and 767 Hicks Street in Brooklyn’s Red Hook neighborhood. The site contains two one-story buildings used by the applicant, the Red Hook Initiative. The two addresses total 4,794 square feet and rise to 19 and 21 feet high. Both buildings … <Read More>