Landmarks Approves Tin Pan Alley Designation

The five buildings were home to popular musicians and publishing firms during the height of Tin Pan Alley. On December 10, 2019, the Landmarks Preservation Commission voted to approve the landmarks designation of five Italianate-style rowhouses located at 47-55 West 28th Street, collectively known as “Tin Pan Alley.” Tin Pan Alley is known for being the home of musicians and sheet music publishers between 1893 and 1910. The area received its nickname from the sounds … <Read More>

[UPDATE]: Council Approves Harlem Church Redevelopment with Modifications

Council makes modifications to include only MIH Option One and a partnership with JOENYC to fund repairs and renovations for existing affordable units in La Hermosa’s district. On December 19, 2019, the City Council voted to approve a land use application that will facilitate the construction of a new 30-story mixed-use residential and community facility building. The new building will replace the existing three-story La Hermosa Church building at 5 West 110th Street in Harlem, … <Read More>

Landmarks Rescind Landmarks Designation Status of Former School

The landmarked building featured many late Gothic details. On December 10, 2019, the Landmarks Preservation Commission voted to rescind the individual landmark designation of a vacant lot, located at 425 Grand Concourse, Bronx. The lot was formerly the location of Public School 31, which was demolished in 2015.

[UPDATE]: Council Approves Modified Plans for East New York Mixed Use Development

The development will bring 503 permanent housing units, both affordable and supportive, to East New York. On December 10, 2019, the City Council approved a land use application for the development of four mixed-use buildings to replace a three-story homeless shelter at 515 Blake Avenue in East New York, Brooklyn. The buildings will be a combination of residential use, commercial use, and community facilities. The land use application, submitted by the Department of Housing Preservation … <Read More>

Eviction Notice Ruled Deficient

Landlord of 2013 Amsterdam Avenue served a notice of termination on disabled tenant, after the tenant engaged in a series of housing code violations. After a series of incidents, including causing instances of flooding and refusing to allow the landlord access to effect repairs, 2013 Amsterdam Avenue Housing Association served the notice of termination on its tenant Darren King. King is a paraplegic, wheelchair-bound, double-amputee.

Council Enacts Additional Laws Related to Cooling Tower Enforcement

The additional bills should help the public and City administration react in the fight against Legionnaire’s disease. On March 28, 2019, the City Council approved Int. No 1158, 1149-B, 1164-A and 1166-A, a package of bills regarding the maintenance and inspection of cooling towers. The bills assist in the implementation and enforcement of Local Law 77 of 2015, which was enacted in response to an outbreak of Legionnaire’s disease. The bills respectively address public information … <Read More>