UPDATED: Construction Shutdown: Preserving Land Use Approvals

Governor Andrew Cuomo’s executive orders issued in response to the COVID-19 public health emergency halted non-essential construction throughout the City of New York. Many of the halted construction projects enjoyed land use approvals granted by City agencies, and the Governor’s orders did not toll the expiration dates of these approvals. (Update:) Subsequent to the construction shutdown, Mayor Bill de Blasio on April 29, 2020 issued an emergency executive order tolling the expiration dates … <Read More>

City’s Failure to Preserve Deed Restrictions on the Rivington House Explored [City Council Passes Tougher Oversight]

UPDATE: On December 6, 2016, the New York City Council voted 42-0 to approve Introduction 1182-2016 which requires the Department for Citywide Administrative Services to conduct an extensive review of a request to remove a deed restriction on a property managed by DCAS, including a public hearing, to determine whether the request removal furthers the best interests of the City.

The legislation is a response the controversial sale of the Rivington House to a luxury … <Read More>

Michael Best, Counselor to Mayor Bloomberg: Weathering Hurricane Sandy at City Hall

Michael Best, Counselor to Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg, was appointed in May 2012, replacing Anthony Crowell, now Dean of New York Law School. Best serves as General Counsel in the mayor’s office and is one of the mayor’s senior management and policy advisors, helping to coordinate and oversee City agencies, boards, and committees. Best has served in City government since 1991, having worked as General Counsel to the City’s Criminal Justice Coordinator, Director of the … <Read More>

NY Elections, Census and Redistricting Update 11/04/24

This week- NYS Voting Rights Challenges, Court of Appeals on Absentee Voting,  What Happens After the Polls Close?, Summary of Ballot Proposals, Around the Nation- SCOTUS on VA & PA Voting

by Jeff Wice, Alexis Marking, Jennifer Hutz & Jordan Karpoff


Orange County: Clarke et al. v. Town of Newburgh

This is an ongoing NYVRA action in a challenge filed by Black and Hispanic voters against the Town of Newburgh.… <Read More>

Q&A: Mayor Eric Adams’ Indictment and NYC Campaign Finance Matters

On September 26, 2024, Mayor Eric Adams was indicted on five federal charges including bribery, conspiracy, and campaign finance offenses. To better understand the context of the alleged campaign finance-related crimes, New York Law School’s Center for New York City and State Law offers the following Q-and-A between Ben Max, the Center’s executive editor, and Amy Loprest, a Senior Fellow at the Center and the former longtime Executive Director of the New York City Campaign <Read More>

Mayor Announces Waivers of Fees as Part of Ida Recovery Response

The waiver of fees relieves an additional burden for property owners already dealing with storm damage. On September 7, 2021, Mayor Bill de Blasio signed Emergency Executive Order 235, which allows the Department of Buildings and Department of Environmental Protection to waive fees associated with various permits or applications that will be needed by property owners for storm damage repair.