Sale of former firehouse approved by Commission

Sale limited to community-use buyer. On March 14, 2007, the Planning Commission approved DCAS’ application to sell the lot at 269 Henry Street in Manhattan containing a four-story firehouse used by FDNY Engine Company No. 15 until 2001 when it moved to Pitt and Delancey Streets.

In the land use review process, Community Board 3 and Manhattan Borough President Scott Stringer opposed an open-ended sale. Stringer requested a restriction on the sale requiring the new … <Read More>

Queens court to be reused


This Queens mixed-use development will adaptively reuse former Jamaica Courthouse building. Image courtesy of FXFowle Architects.

Residential and commercial development will incorporate Jamaica Courthouse facade. On March 14, 2007, the City Council unanimously approved four linked applications for the redevelopment of the Queens Family Courthouse located on Parsons Boulevard and 89th Avenue in Jamaica, Queens and vacant since 2002. The application included the sale of City-owned property, a zoning map amendment to increase the … <Read More>

City’s condemnation of SI park to proceed

Three brothers owning land in Staten Island challenged use of ULURP to exempt City from condemnation procedures. In 2002, the Planning Commission approved an application by the Department of Parks and Recreation to add 14.5 acres to the Skyline Playground, a neighborhood park in Staten Island. Six of the 14.5 acres belonged to the Putter brothers, who planned to develop the site and had a pending application with City Planning for 50 affordable townhouses.… <Read More>

Stapleton Homeport redevelopment plan approved

The future of the Stapleton Homeport. Image used with permission of the NYC EDC and the NYC IDA. All rights reserved.

Site includes former United States Navy base. On October 25, 2006, the City Council approved the comprehensive redevelopment plan for Staten Island’s Homeport, the 35-acre former United States Navy base located in Stapleton and owned by the City since 1995.

City Planning and the New York City Economic Development Corporation proposed five linked applications, … <Read More>

75-unit affordable housing project approved

HPD project approved after sponsor redesigned building. The City Council approved an application by the Department of Housing and Preservation for disposition of three Cityowned lots at 1510 Jesup Avenue in Morris Heights in the Bronx, for construction by Highbridge Community Development Corporation of a six-story, residential building for low-income seniors and the physically disabled.

The project required modification to obtain the Planning Commission’s approval. At the Commission hearing, Chair Amanda M. Burden and Commissioner … <Read More>

“House that Ruth built” to get new home

82-year-old Yankee Stadium and nearby public parks to be replaced by new stadium, park space and public parking. On April 5, 2006, City Council approved 11 Parks applications related to development of a new Yankee Stadium in the Bronx, including disposition of three parcels of land to the Economic Development Corporation.

The new stadium site on East 161st Street is immediately north of Yankee Stadium’s current site. The proposal included 15.82 acres of new public … <Read More>