Landmarks Considers Converting Former Catholic Orphanage into a Jewish Yeshiva

NYC Landmarks Preservation Commission heard a proposal to substantially renovate and convert Angel Guardian Home, an individual landmark, into a Yeshiva. On August 2, 2022, the NYC Landmarks Preservation Commission held a public hearing for an application that would substantially renovate the Angel Guardian Home located at 6301 12th Avenue in Dyker Heights, Brooklyn. The proposal intends to convert Angel Guardian Home into a Yeshiva for the Gur International Chassidic Sect. For CityLand’s previous … <Read More>

COMMENTARY: Could Landmarks Have Saved Dangler House? City Should Conduct Post-Demolition Official Review

On July 21, 2022, the Jacob Dangler House at 441 Willoughby Avenue in Bed-Stuy, Brooklyn, was demolished less than two weeks after the Landmarks Preservation Commission held a public hearing to consider its designation as an Individual Landmark. Despite the attempt by Landmarks to save the Dangler House by commencing the designation process, the Commission has been criticized for not acting quickly enough. Could Landmarks have actually done more?

Landmarks Votes to Designate Two Historic Districts in Cambria Heights

The historic districts are the first designations from Landmarks in Cambria Heights. On June 28, 2022, the NYC Landmarks Preservation Commission voted to designate Cambria Heights-222nd Street Historic District and Cambria Heights-227th Street Historic District. For CityLand’s prior coverage on the September 14, 2021 hearing regarding these two Historic Districts, click here.

City Planning Hears Application for Four New Affordable Buildings in East New York

The sites are all located within a few blocks from each other. On March 30, 2022, the City Planning Commission held a public hearing for an application that would facilitate the construction of four new buildings with a total of 46 affordable units in East New York, Brooklyn. The four sites are located at 492-496 Glenmore Avenue, 2358-2362 Pitkin Avenue, 943 Dumont Avenue, and 743 Blake Avenue, as part of the Sutter Place Neighborhood Construction <Read More>

City Planning Hears Application for Last Building of Ongoing Broadway Triangle Project

On March 16, 2022, the City Planning Commission held a public hearing for Bartlett Crossing Site A-2, one of the five buildings that comprises the larger affordable housing Broadway Triangle project. Broadway Triangle is an affordable housing development consisting of five buildings across four sites. Bartlett Crossing Site A-1 is located on Flushing Avenue between Harrison Avenue and Whipple Street. The other three sites, Site A-2, Site B and Site C are all located on <Read More>