Small Business hearings takes dire tone. On August 13, 2020, the City Council Committee on Small Business held a remote public hearing, on three bills that would cumulatively limit third-party food delivery services and require the Department of Small Business Services to create reports on COVID-19 related small business grants and loans. Beyond the three bills, the hearing also delved into the state of small business in the City and potential action to alleviate stresses … <Read More>
Search Results for: Department of Buildings
Mayor Announces FY20 Affordable Housing Statistics
Mayor’s affordable housing announcement appears more retrospective than optimistic. On August 5, 2020, The Mayor’s Press Office released a statement touting the amount of affordable housing created in fiscal year 2020. The announcement states that the City preserved 23,520 homes and constructed 6,503 new units, totaling 30,023 affordable City financed homes. More than 50 percent of these homes serve families earning less than $52,000 and 3,600 people received voucher increases to ameliorate income lost from … <Read More>
Chief Judge Announces Revisions to Commercial and Residential Eviction Proceedings
Execution of eviction warrants paused until October. On August 12, 2020, New York State Chief Administrative Judge Lawrence K. Marks issued a memorandum revising the procedure for both residential and commercial eviction proceedings. Evictions proceedings filed after March 17, 2020, whether residential or commercial, will continue to be suspended. Eviction proceedings commenced prior to March 17, 2020, may resume with a few crucial caveats.
DEP Announces Construction of Stormwater Collection System in Westchester County
City prioritizes safe drinking water with infrastructure investment. On July 23, 2020, the New York City Department of Environmental Protection announced that during the first week of August, construction of a stormwater collection system near the Cross River Reservoir would commence. The stormwater collection system is intended to enhance reservoir protections by capturing runoff, sediment and nutrients from a 9.3-acre drainage area in the town of Bedford. The venture is projected to cost nearly $1.1 … <Read More>
Owner fined $398,550 for alterations
Owner maintained unlawful apartments in the garage, cellar and upper floors of Queens three-story building. In March 2019, the Department of Buildings received a complaint about people sleeping in the cellar of 136-02 35th Avenue in Queens. Buildings’ inspectors obtained access to the three-story apartment building and observed illegal apartments, a cellar did not match plans filed in 1997, and a garage that had been converted illegally into an apartment. Buildings charged the owner with … <Read More>
LPC Calendars Dyker Heights’ Angel Guardian Home
Angel Guardian Home would be first landmark designation in the Dyker Heights neighborhood. On June 30, 2020, the Landmarks Preservation Commission voted to calendar the designation of the Angel Guardian Home, located at 6301 12th Avenue in Dyker Heights, Brooklyn. The former orphanage, which encompasses the entire 12th avenue frontage between 63rd and 64th Streets, is composed of four original, completely intact buildings: a central administration building, a nursery building, a reception and intake building, … <Read More>