NYU Campus Expansion Plan Reduced Again [UPDATE: Plan Approved by Full Council]

This article was originally published on 7/20/2012 (see below for update).

NYU agreed to limit heights of the Zipper Building and Boomerang Buildings, and to provide community center if no public school is built on site. On July 17, 2012, the City Council’s Land Use Committee modified New York University’s campus expansion proposal in Greenwich Village. Opposition to the project, which had already been reduced by the City Planning Commission, remained when it … <Read More>

Print this issue of CityLand: Printer Friendly PDF Available for Download

Print this issue of CityLand on your color printer and you will be able to enjoy the June issue of CityLand just as you have enjoyed the monthly printed CityLand issues over the past eight years. The pdf issue contains the articles and images uploaded in June, as well as the familiar charts from CityLand that comprehensively recount the prior month’s land use activity.

Each month we will post a fully designed monthly issue like … <Read More>

Split Court Upholds Sunset Park Rezoning Plan [UPDATE: Court of Appeals Affirms]

This article was originally published on 10/15/2011 (see below for update).

Dissent argued that City only belatedly added consideration of rezoning’s impact on low-income residents. In April 2009, the Department of City Planning proposed a 128-block contextual rezoning of Sunset Park, Brooklyn. Planning sought to preserve the residential neighborhood’s built character while allowing new construction at a height and scale consistent with existing development. The proposal called for establishing height limits, mapping new … <Read More>

Williamsburg Mixed-Use Project Withstands Legal Challenge

City approved developer’s request to rezone 15 tax lots to facilitate the development of two, six-story buildings near site of Domino Sugar project. Bruce Terzano (through JBJ, LLC) sought City approval to build a two-building mixed-use project at the corner of Wythe Avenue and South 3rd Street in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. To facilitate his proposal, Terzano asked the City to expand a nearby MX-8 special mixed-use district to include 15 tax lots on the eastern … <Read More>

Print this Issue of CityLand: Printer Friendly PDF Uploaded

Print this issue of CityLand on your color printer and you will be able to enjoy the June issue of CityLand just as you have enjoyed the monthly printed CityLand issues over the past eight years. The pdf issue contains the articles and images uploaded in May, as well as the familiar charts from CityLand that comprehensively recount the prior month’s land use activity.

The new web format enabled CityLand to be far more current … <Read More>

BSA grants Red Hook developer time extension for warehouse conversion

BSA, which had granted variance to developer in 2003, grants time extension due to five-year court battle. In 2003, the Board of Standards & Appeals granted a use variance to 160 Imlay Street Real Estate LLC to allow for the residential conversion of a six-story warehouse at 160 Imlay Street in Red Hook, Brooklyn. 160 Imlay Street LLC had claimed that it could not earn a reasonable rate of return with a complying use … <Read More>