Landmarks decisions should not be made behind closed doors. Yet they are when the Landmarks Preservation Commission refuses to hold a hearing as it recently did with the Demarest Building.
Search Results for: Commentary
COMMENTARY – Subway Warning Signs: Make Them Tougher
The number of persons killed by contact with subway trains is truly alarming and, worse, consistent year to year. The victims include persons with severe mental problems and drug and alcohol addiction on the one hand, and, on the other hand, adventuresome youths who see romance and challenge in the subways’ dark tunnels, speedy trains and endless tracks. All the deaths are tragedies.
Guest Commentary: Effective Gun Control or Symbolic Politics
Congress and many states face political obstacles in passing gun controls. But in states where there are no such political obstacles like New York, existing gun control laws remain unimplemented and unenforced. Proponents of gun laws nevertheless argue that the next law will have a big impact. Gun control requires more than passing laws; gun laws must be effectively implemented and enforced. Often they are not.
City Comptroller’s Response to Airbnb Guest Commentary
[The following guest commentary is a response to Airbnb’s commentary published here.]
New Yorkers are facing a growing affordability crisis, and over the years my office has examined many factors that have proven to contribute to the burden of rising prices – including, most recently, a report on the impact of Airbnb on New York City rental prices.
NY Law School Commentary on Talk by Tom Prendergast, Chair of NY MTA
MTA Chairman Tom Prendergast faces a huge challenge as the MTA needs a new round of capital funding starting in 2015. At the CityLaw Breakfast on November 21, 2014 Chairman Prendergast laid out a well-thought out five year plan designed to maintain the system, modernize it, make it more resilient and extend it geographically. The price tag: $32 billion. In the intensive competition for public money, elected leaders find funds in that range only when … <Read More>