HDC Defends NYC Landmark Preservation

Last week CityLand published a Guest Commentary from Steven Spinola, President of REBNY.  Simeon Bankoff, Executive Director of the Historic Districts Council submitted this commentary in response. 

In his recent editorial in CityLand, Steven Spinola, the longtime President of the Real Estate Board of New York, suggested a number of ways which the Landmarks Law needs to be reformed to adhere to its “spirit.”  This is a curious statement that warrants further examination.  … <Read More>

Chairman Proud of Landmarks Commission Accomplishments

Last week CityLand published a Guest Commentary from Steven Spinola, President of REBNY.  Robert B. Tierney, Chairman of the Landmarks Preservation Commission submitted this commentary in response.

The Landmarks Law, enacted in 1965, has been responsive to New Yorkers’ demand that their historic neighborhoods be preserved. The architecturally and historically distinctive streetscapes found in all five boroughs reflect more than 300 years of growth, and play an integral role in our City’s economic well-being.

East Midtown Rezoning: Looking For Extra Zoning Rights? They’re For Sale

A disarmingly simple plan for rezoning Manhattan’s office district running from Grand Central Terminal north to about 58th Street has been approved by the Planning Commission and will come to a Council vote around the time of the November election.

It has three key components:  1) The City almost doubles the allowable floor area for new buildings on large sites along the major thoroughfares; 2) it sells to the landowner the right to build the … <Read More>

CityLand Online Marks its One Year Anniversary!

One year ago the Center for New York City Law launched CityLand as a free web-based publication. On that first day, May 3, 2012, twelve persons viewed the site. Twelve months later during April 2013 more than 3,600 individuals read CityLand. And when they opened the website they found timely reports, multiple photographs, hyperlinks to decisions, maps, and related websites, video feed from events, and access to ten years of back issues. CityLand is … <Read More>

Preservationists Focused on United Priorities for the Next Administration

HDC LRGHistoric Districts Council’s annual preservation conference celebrated City history, identified priorities, and looked forward to new battles and a new administration. The Historic Districts Council hosted its 19th Annual Preservation Conference over three days from March 1 to 3, 2013. The conference featured receptions, guest speakers, panel discussions, and walking tours. The American Institute of Architects also provided continuing education credits. New York Law School hosted the conference on Saturday, March 2nd. Participants from various … <Read More>

Livery Cab Law Dealt Judicial Blow

Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg’s plan to grant livery cabs the right to accept street hails was derailed on June 1, 2012, when New York State Judge Arthur Engoron invoked the home rule clause of the State constitution and enjoined the City from implementing the State law passed in 2011. The State law would have allowed 30,000 liveries to accept street hails, a right currently enjoyed only by yellow cabs. Advocates for the law claimed that … <Read More>