City Releases Details for “City of Yes for Housing Opportunity” Zoning Text Amendment

On September 21, 2023, Mayor Eric Adams released the details for his “City of Yes for Housing Opportunity” proposal. The proposal aims to increase the development of and access to affordable housing throughout New York City through changes to the City’s zoning code. The Mayor’s Office touts that the initiative could add 10,000 homes to expected housing production over the next 15 years, create 260,000 temporary and 6,300 permanent jobs, and provide $58.2 billion in … <Read More>

COMPLETE VIDEO: 189th CityLaw Breakfast with City Planning Director Dan Garodnick, Friday 10/6

Today, October 6, 2023, Dan Garodnick, Director of the Department of City Planning and Chair of the City Planning Commission, spoke at the 189th CityLaw Breakfast on “Building a City of Yes.” Professor Ross Sandler, Director of the Center for New York City Law provided opening remarks. Dean and President of New York Law School Anthony W. Crowell also provided remarks. The event was sponsored by ConEdison, Verizon, and Greenberg Traurig LLP.

Mayor Announces “Getting 97 Done” Initiative to Help Reduce Citywide Emissions

On September 12, 2023, Mayor Eric Adams announced his “Getting 97 Done” initiative. The plan aims to deliver on the goals outlined in Local Law 97 of 2019 – a 40 percent reduction inbuilding emissions by 2030, and a 70 percent reduction in citywide emissions by 2050. The plan is part of Mayor Adam’s long-term sustainability plan, “PlaNYC: Getting Sustainability Done”, published in April 2023.