San Gimignano and New York City

In the fourteenth century wealthy Tuscan families in San Gimignano built narrow, overly tall towers as a show of economic power and to defend themselves during the wars between the Guelfs and Ghibellines. Today tourists see the towers as curious, oversized stone steles. Were the descendants of those San Gimignano families to tour New York City they would feel at home in some of the new residential towers being built in Manhattan.

Former CPC Chair Discussed 1969 Plan for New York City

On Thursday, April 11, 2013, the Center for New York City Law and the Center for Real Estate Studies at New York Law School presented a Master Class on the 1969 City Planning Commission’s Plan for New York City. Ross Sandler, Director of the Center for New York City Law, found a complete set of the original plans at a recent auction. Mr. Sandler invited two guest speakers to discuss the plan: Donald H. Elliott<Read More>

Reminder: 19th Annual Citywide Seminar on Ethics in New York City Government

Ethics LRGREGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN for the 19th annual Citywide Seminar on Ethics in New York City Government — presented by the Center for NYC Law and the NYC Conflicts of Interest Board.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013, from 8:15 a.m. to 1:15 p.m.

185 West Broadway (between Worth & Leonard Streets), Auditorium

4 Ethics CLE credits
Non-credit option also available

$30 general registration fee



The East Midtown Rezoning and the Future of New York City

(Economic) Heart Trouble

More than 30 years after its last major zoning change, the economic heart of New York City merits a checkup. According to City planners, the prognosis for East Midtown is not good: an aging office stock, a congested pedestrian network, global competition, and the lack of new office development threaten to undermine the economic competitiveness of the City. The cure, proposed by the Bloomberg Administration, is a rezoning of 78 blocks of … <Read More>

Center for New York City Law Breakfast: Speaker Christine C. Quinn

This morning the Center for New York City Law at New York Law School hosted one of its City Law Breakfasts. The event was co-hosted by the Center for Real Estate Studies.  New York Law School and the Center were honored to have City Council Speaker Christine C. Quinn as this morning’s speaker.

Speaker Quinn was introduced by the Center’s founder and Director, Ross Sandler. Quinn began by thanking Ross Sandler and praising … <Read More>

Behind New York City Development, Land Use Attorney Jesse Masyr

Jesse Masyr

Attorney Jesse Masyr brings unique expertise from the public sector to help developers navigate the City’s public review process. CityLand spoke with Masyr at his Midtown office about his career in land use law.

Masyr, who grew up in Bensonhurst, Brooklyn, attended Tulane School of Law in New Orleans. Masyr majored in American history as an undergraduate at Harpur College (now SUNY Binghamton) and was fascinated by the antebellum period. Masyr figured that … <Read More>