Mayor Announces “Get Stuff Built” Plan to Streamline Building and Land Use Processes

On December 8, 2022, Mayor Eric Adams unveiled New York City’s latest land use roadmap, Get Stuff Built, a complement to his City of Yes zoning proposals announced earlier this year. Get Stuff Built represents a collaborative effort among more than two dozen agencies serving on the Building and Land use Approval Streamlining Taskforce (BLAST), which held 18 working group sessions and four roundtable discussions with more than 50 external stakeholders. Designed to address … <Read More>

Mayor Appoints New Board of Standards and Appeals Chair and Vice Chair

On December 30, 2022, Mayor Eric Adams announced the appointment of Shampa Chanda as the new Chair of the Board of Standards and Appeals (BSA) and Salvatore Scibetta as the new Vice Chair. The Board of Standards and Appeals hears individual applications for exceptions and changes to zoning regulations that may overly restrict specific properties where a broader change to the zoning text and map is unnecessary. 

DOB Launches Winter Construction Safety Campaign

The campaign follows four tragic fatalities on construction sites between November and December 2022. On December 28, 2022, Department of Buildings Acting Commissioner Kazimir Vilenchik announced the launch of a new winter construction safety campaign. The safety campaign aims to highlight potential dangers for serious injuries and fatalities on work sites. The campaign follows a series of four tragic instances of worker fatalities on sites in November and December.

Pre-K Provider Loses Contract Extension

The Department of Education refused to renew a Universal P-K contract due to health and safety violations. The New York City Department of Education contracted with the Modern Organization & Human Development Center to provide Universal Pre-K services at 4718 Farragut Road, in Brooklyn.