Department of Transportation to Double On-Street Carshare Program

On March 29, 2023, New York City Department of Transportation Commissioner Ydanis Rodriguez announced a major expansion on the citywide curbside carshare program. The expansion will add 270 new parking spaces to the already-existing 230-space pilot. The program, which began in 2018, is part of an effort by the city to cut greenhouse gas emissions by reducing car ownership and vehicle miles traveled.

Council Approves Bill to Report on Affordable Housing and Renters with Disabilities

On February 2, 2023, the New York City Council passed Local Law 25 of 2023. The new law was originally introduced by Council Member Diana Ayala as Introduction 375-2022A. The new law will require the Department of Housing Preservation and Development to report every three years on how many of their affordable housing units set aside for and rented to persons with disabilities.

Parks Adds “Second Shift” Dedicated Staff to Address Park Cleanliness on Evenings and Weekends

On March 20, 2023, the Parks Department announced that 240 new “second shift” employees had been recently hired to address park cleanliness issues on evenings and weekends. The new deployment of workers will operate on Thursdays through Sundays during evening hours to address trash, litter and graffiti at certain hotspots around the city. The staff’s efforts to clean up trash and litter will also serve as part of the city’s efforts to push back against <Read More>