City Planning Commission Approves Special Permit For Subway Elevators on 45 Broad Street

Application approval will bring ADA accessibility to Downtown Manhattan. On April 23, 2018, the City Planning Commission approved the application for a special permit to allow a floor area bonus (FAR) of up to 20 percent to the basic maximum FAR to the 45 Broad Street development in connection with proposed subway improvements. The application was submitted by Madison 45 Broad Development LLC. The special permit will allow the construction of two subway elevators on … <Read More>

CityLand’s Top Ten Stories of 2017

Welcome to CityLand‘s sixth annual top ten stories of the year! We have selected a range of our most popular and prominent stories, and guest commentaries concerning New York City land use in 2017. Our 2017 coverage was highlighted by articles concerning the approval of construction safety training for construction workers, proposals for the creation of more affordable housing, neighborhood rezonings, the protection of landmarks, and a guide on tort liability for injuries involving … <Read More>

Block-Sized City-Beautiful Powerhouse Landmarked after 38 Years

Massive West Side powerhouse, designed by Stanford White, continue to operate as steam-generating plant. On December 5, 2017, Landmarks voted to designate the former Interborough Rapid Transit Powerhouse, at 850 Twelfth Avenue, an individual City landmark.  The structure, which occupies an entire block along the West Side Highway, dates to 1905 and was designed by McKim, Mead and White’s Stanford White. The monumental generating station was built to power the Interborough Rapid Transit subway system, … <Read More>

Council Speaker Candidates Remark on Goals to Bring “Good Government” to the City Council

The Speaker panel covered the issue of bringing transparency, accountability, and reform to the New York City Council. On November 21, 2017, Citizens Union held a public forum on good government with the candidates running to be the next City Council Speaker. The candidates on the panel were Council Members Robert E. Cornegy Jr., Corey Johnson, Mark Levine, Donovan Richards, Ydanis Rodriguez, Jimmy Van Bramer and Jumaane D. Williams. … <Read More>

EVENT ANNOUNCEMENT: New York City’s Right to Counsel for Eviction Cases



The Impact Center for Public Interest Law and

The Center for New York City Law at New York Law School


New York City’s Right to Counsel for Eviction Cases: Implementation and Implications

Under newly adopted legislation, New York City has become the first jurisdiction in the country to ensure legal representation for all low-income tenants in eviction proceedings. The law’s implementation and implications will be discussed.

Thursday, November 2, 2017, … <Read More>

COMPLETE VIDEO: 145th CityLaw Breakfast with DOT Commissioner Trottenberg

On Thursday, September 28, 2017, the Center for New York City Law at New York Law School hosted the 145th CityLaw Breakfast. The event speaker was New York City Department of Transportation Commissioner Polly Trottenberg.

Commissioner Trottenberg was introduced by Professor Sandler, the Director of the Center for City Law, and Anthony Crowell, Dean and President of New York Law School. When introducing Commissioner Trottenberg, Professor Sandler acknowledged the great amount of experience … <Read More>