City Council Passes Legislation in Increase Value of Rental Assistance Vouchers

The increased voucher amounts help take advantage of decreased rents. On May 27, 2021, the New York City Council passed legislation that increases the number of apartments available to homeless New Yorkers and helps move more New Yorkers out of shelters and into permanent housing.  The legislation, titled Int. 146-C, requires the City to pay higher rates to homeless New Yorkers receiving rental assistance vouchers and eliminates the program’s previous five-year cap for vouchers. … <Read More>

City Releases Rainfall-Based Flooding Analysis for Flood Preparedness

Climate change is projected to have a dramatic effect on rainfall in New York City through 2100; the new plan provides projections for being prepared for these changes. On May 14, 2021, Mayor de Blasio released New York City’s Stormwater Resiliency Plan. The plan provides the City’s first city-wide flood analysis caused by rain which can cause flooding in any part of the city.

City Resumes Curbside Composting, Expands Other Programs

The new version of the Curbside Composting service will make free composting services available to New Yorkers and the improved Program includes significant expansions. On April 22, 2021, Mayor Bill de Blasio announced that New York City will be resuming its Curbside Composting Program, which was originally halted due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Earth Day announcement also included significant expansions to community composting, reuse, and hazardous waste disposal programs operated by the Department of … <Read More>

City Takes First Steps in Exploration of Geothermal Utility Services

Geothermal heating and cooling are a very efficient and environmentally clean technology and energy that has been in use for decades but has gone underutilized by New York City. On April 21, 2021, Mayor de Blasio announced the first steps that will be taken to advance New York City’s transition to district geothermal systems. These geothermal systems will help replace fuel oil and natural gas, fundamentally changing how New York City heats and cools its … <Read More>

City Council Passes Three Bills for Tenants Rights to Counsel and Privacy

Free representation in housing court for low income tenants will now be available citywide. On April 29, 2021, the City Council passed three bills advancing tenants rights. Two of the bills focus on expanding the right to counsel in housing court for tenants citywide and an outreach program to notify tenants of their rights. The third bill focuses on tenant data privacy. All three bills were sponsored by Council Member Mark Levine.