Council Releases Report on State of Park Restrooms

On September 5, 2024, the City Council released Nature’s Call, a report about the functionality and conditions of over 100 restrooms in city parks. The report followed an investigation led by the Council’s Oversight and Investigation Division in partnership with the Council’s Community Engagement Division and Parks Committee Chair Council Member Shekar Krishnan’s office. The report found that two-thirds of the inspected restrooms – or 68 out of 102 – were closed or had <Read More>

Council Discusses Bill to Identify Locations of New Public Bathrooms

Advocates highlighted the public health and equity issues New Yorkers face when struggling to find a public restroom. On Wednesday, June 28th, the City Council’s Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure held a hearing on a bill which would be the first step in expanding the number of available public bathrooms in New York City. The bill, Int. 258-2022, would require the Departments of Transportation and Parks to collaborate on a report identifying at least one … <Read More>

Landmarks Designates Kimlau War Memorial and Archeological Site

The designations are the latest in the agency’s efforts for more inclusive designations. On June 22, 2021, the Landmarks Preservation Commission voted to designate the Kimlau War Memorial in Chinatown and the Aakawaxung Munahanung (Island Protected from the Wind) Archaeological Site in Staten Island. The designations mark the first New York City designated landmarks to recognize Chinese American and Native American history.

Landmarks Calendars Kimlau War Memorial for Landmark Designation

The arch features traditional Chinese architectural styles. On May 4, 2021, the Landmarks Preservation Commission voted to calendar the Kimlau War Memorial in Chinatown, Manhattan for designation. The Kimlau War Memorial, a granite ceremonial gateway arch with two benches, is located in Kimlau Square Park at the intersection of Chatham Square, Oliver Street and East Broadway.