Extensive rezoning of E.Village/LES approved

Proposed East Village/Lower East Side rezoning. Image: NYC Department of City Planning.

Council approved plan after City agreed to work with interest groups on related zoning and development issues. On November 19, 2008, the City Council approved the City’s plan to rezone 111 blocks in the East Village and Lower East Side of Manhattan. The plan calls for seven new zoning districts, including a 59-block residential area which would be rezoned to R8B, a category … <Read More>

Lower East Side rezoning plan fiercely debated

Rezoning of East Village/LES. Proposed Zoning Map used with permission of the New York City Dept. of Planning. All rights reserved.

City Planning’s proposal challenged by issues related to affordable housing and protecting Chinatown. On August 13, 2008, the City Planning Commission heard extensive testimony on a plan to rezone 111 blocks in the East Village and Lower East Side of Manhattan. The Department of City Planning began the public review process for the original … <Read More>