Former Fish Market Building to be Dismantled, Reconstructed, Moved

The Tin Building will be elevated to bring it out of 100-year flood plain, and it will be restored to its market use as part of the larger Seaport development.  On March 22, 2016, the Landmarks Preservation Commission considered and approved a proposal to dismantle the Tin Building, built as part of the Fulton Fish Market in 1907, and move, restore and reconstruct the structure within the South Street Seaport Historic District. The building, … <Read More>

New Six-Story-Plus-Penthouse Building Approved for Site Occupied by 1940s Garage

Morris Adjmi-designed plan would be faced with steel frame inspired by cast-iron architecture in front of a setback glass curtain wall. On March 15, 2016, the Landmarks Preservation Commission considered and approved a proposal to demolish an existing 1940 garage and construct a new retail and office building at 134 Wooster Street in the SoHo-Cast Iron Historic District. Premier Equities are the site’s developers. The development shares the same block as another planned development … <Read More>

Airbnb Opposition Makes for Strange Bedfellows

There are some things you can always count on here in New York: alternate side of the street parking, the subways always running (except when they’re not, like late nights and weekends), the Yankees making the playoffs (except when the Mets do) and landlords and tenants being diametrically opposed. Like Superman and Kryptonite, oil and water, landlords and tenants have always had one thing in common – a mutual distrust of one another.

That is … <Read More>

Legislation Proposed in NY State Assembly Would Put an End to Online Advertising of Illegal Short-Term Apartment Rentals

Elected officials and affordable housing activists unite at State capitol in support of the legislation.  On February 24, 2016, 300 members and supporters of the Share Better coalition rallied at the State capitol in support of Assembly Bill A08704, which would ban most online listings advertising rental apartments for less than thirty days per renter. Bill A08704 was proposed to the State Assembly approximately one month after a report was released to the public that … <Read More>

CityLaw Profile: Salvatore J. Russo, General Counsel to the Health and Hospitals Corporation

Salvatore J. Russo is the senior vice president, general counsel, secretary to the board of directors, and a corporate officer at the New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation. HHC is the public benefit corporation responsible for administering the City’s municipal health care system, which involves the operation of eleven acute-care hospitals, four long-term-care facilities, and six diagnostic treatment centers. HHC functions like a voluntary, not-for-profit hospital with an $8 billion budget and approximately … <Read More>

New York’s Constitutional Convention Vote: Hit or Stand?

In 2017, along with voting for mayor, council members, and other elected officials, the voters of New York will be asked to answer “Yes “or “No” to this question:  “Shall there be a convention to revise the constitution and amend the same?” Every twenty years, the New York State constitution requires that the voters of the State be given the option to call a constitutional convention for revising and amending the New York State constitution … <Read More>