The Open Streets and the new Play Streets initiatives encourage New Yorkers to go outside. On July 24, 2020, Mayor Bill de Blasio announced Play Streets, an initiative provided by the City, the Fresh Air Fund, Building Healthy Communities, and the Police Athletic League to provide children with fun, socially-distant outdoor activities on twelve Open Streets throughout the City. The Open Streets initiative provides more outdoor space for pedestrians and cyclists by limiting vehicular traffic … <Read More>
Search Results for: Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island, and the Bronx
Busway and Bus Lane Projects Announced
The nine projects will benefit almost 750,000 daily riders. On June 8, 2020, Mayor Bill de Blasio announced nine busway and dedicated bus lane projects across the City. As the City begins to reopen, and commuters return to work, the new bus options are intended to increase bus speeds and address vehicular traffic concerns.
OATH Extends Physical Closure and Continues Telephonic Hearings [UPDATED]
OATH to continue virtual operations as COVID pandemic lingers. On April 7, 2020, Chief Administrative Law Judge, Hon Joni Kletter issued an administrative order continuing the temporary suspension and modification of laws related to the COVID-19 outbreak in New York City. The order directs that the Office of Administrative Trials and Hearings’, the body responsible for adjudicating for all City agencies, remain physically closed until at least May 4, 2020. The Office of Administrative … <Read More>
Landmarks Awards Five Grants to Repair Protected Properties
Recipients in all five boroughs received anywhere from $10,000 to $35,000 to restore, repair or rehabilitate the facades of their buildings. On January 16, 2020, the Landmarks Preservation Commission (LPC) awarded five grants to low and moderate-income homeowners and nonprofits to offset the cost of repairs to their landmarked properties as part of the Historic Preservation Grant Program. The program is funded by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Community Development Block Grant … <Read More>
NYCEDC Announces Restoration of 54 Acres of Damaged Wetlands in Staten Island
EDC announced the completed restoration of 54 acres of wetlands in Staten Island. On October 8, 2019, the New York City Economic Development Corporation announced the completed restoration of damaged coastline of 54 acres of wetlands in Staten Island.