History in the Making: The New York City Landmarks Law at 50

Speakers spoke of the different priorities of City government and other stakeholders, examined preservation strategies of municipalities nationwide, and considered changes in the legal landscape that could affect landmarking. On October 26, 2015, , Meenakshi Srinivasan, Chair of the Landmarks Preservation Commission, and Jerold Kayden, Professor at the Harvard University Graduate School of Design, co-hosted an event titled “History in the Making: The New York City Landmarks Law at 50.” The event held at … <Read More>

Commission Held First of Four Special Hearings to Address Backlog

Wide support voiced for designation of Coney Island pumping Station; potential extension to Douglaston Historic District and individual designation of Queens Apartment complex and religious structures proved contentious. On October 8, 2015, the Landmarks Preservation Commission held the first of four hearings meant to address the backlog of items on the Commission’s calendar added prior to 2010. Twenty-nine items were considered, in three groupings of multiple items clustered by borough. Each speaker had three minutes … <Read More>

Robert Carroll: “The Believers”

(This post originally appeared on October 28, 2014.)

“How far will you go to achieve what you want?” “How long will you hold up when the outside world pushes back?” These questions, frequently decided by the strength of a person’s beliefs, form the basis of The Believers, the debut play of playwright and New York Law School alum Robert Carroll.

Taxis: Yellow, Green and Black: Competition & Evolution

On a daily basis I am reminded that seemingly everyone loves to talk about taxis. Last year between the Daily News, the Post and Times, there were over 2,000 articles mentioning taxis, which transport about a million people a day – yet only about 3,000 articles mentioning subways which transport six-million people a day. Travelers and New Yorkers are clearly disproportionally obsessed with taxis.

Assuming that what people ask me is representative of what’s on … <Read More>

Three-story Addition Approved for 19th-Century Butcher Shop

Adjmi-designed plan to redevelop former movie theater wins approval after schemes stalled under previous ownership. The Landmarks Preservation Commission voted to approve a proposal for the renovation of the existing building and the addition of three stories to 70 Henry Street in the Brooklyn Heights Historic District. The building was constructed in 1895, for use as a butcher shop, and has gone through multiple alterations including the creation of a chamfered corner entrance … <Read More>

HDC Identified Targets of Preservation Focus for 2015

Among its stated priorities, preservationist organization hopes to spur designation of items on Landmarks’ calendar that have been long under consideration without being brought to a vote. On February 3 2015, the Historic District Council held an event where it released its annual “Six to Celebrate,” identifying preservation priorities for the coming year. Candidates for the list are submitted by community organizations, and evaluated by HDC for historic and architectural merit, as well … <Read More>