Bronx affordable housing project moves forward

Two-building project would create 217 units of affordable housing. On February 16, 2011, the City Planning Commission approved a proposal by the Department of Housing Preservation and Development to allow Phipps Houses to develop a 217-unit mixed-use affordable housing project in the Melrose section of the Bronx. The site comprises ten lots on a block generally bounded by East 163rd Street to the north, East 162nd Street to … <Read More>

Zoning text altered for Staten Island and the Bronx

Special rules seek to protect residential neighborhoods and encourage development of day care and medical facilities in commercial districts. On January 18, 2011, the City Council approved the Department of City Planning’s amendment to the Lower Density Growth Management Area (LDGMA) regulations that apply to Staten Island and Bronx Community District 10. The amendment limits the development of out-of-context medical facilities and day care centers in low-density residential areas and encourages their construction in commercial … <Read More>

Contextual rezoning of 80 Bronx blocks considered

Webster Ave/Bedford Park/Norwood proposed rezoning. Image: Courtesy of NYC Department of City Planning.

Contextual rezoning would permit residential development along Webster Avenue and apply lower-density districts in Bedford Park and Norwood. On January 5, 2011, the City Planning Commission held a public hearing on the Department of City Planning’s Webster Avenue/Bedford Park/Norwood Rezoning plan in the Bronx. The 80-block proposal includes a thirteen-block section of the north/south Webster Avenue commercial corridor between 193rd and 211th … <Read More>

Central Bronx Rezoning Approved by City Council

Rezoning of 75 blocks along the Third Avenue and Tremont Avenue corridors will expand permissible uses to reflect existing development. On October 13, 2010, the City Council approved the Department of City Planning’s 75-block rezoning in central Bronx. The plan impacts the east-west commercial Tremont Avenue corridor bounded by Daly and Webster Avenues, and the north-south industrial Third Avenue corridor which is generally bounded by East 189th and East 175th Streets. A third area, the … <Read More>

Rezoning of 75 blocks in Central Bronx Approved by City Planning Commission

Rezoning would impact 75 blocks along the Third Avenue and Tremont Avenue corridors. On September 15, 2010, the City Planning Commission approved the Department of City Planning’s proposal to rezone 75 blocks along the intersecting Third Avenue and Tremont Avenue corridors in central Bronx. The L-shaped rezoning area comprises three sections. The east/west Tremont Avenue corridor is bounded by Daly Avenue and Webster Avenue. The industrial Third Avenue corridor, running north/south, is generally bounded by … <Read More>

Affordable rental housing OK’d for South Bronx

Developer obtained rezoning in order to build 175-unit, mixed-income, affordable housing project. On June 9, 2010, the City Council approved CBC Associates and the South Bronx Overall Economic Development Corporation’s proposal to rezone an entire block in the Crotona Park East section of the Bronx from C8-3 to R7- 1/C2-4 to facilitate the development of an eight-story, affordable housing project. The developers will construct the building on a 48,992 sq.ft. lot at 1825 Boston Road … <Read More>